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iot-java (This is a pre-release version and its still a work in progress)

The Java Client Library can be used to connect to the IBM Internet of Things (IoT) Foundation. Use the Java Client Library for the following activities:

  • Subscribe to device events, device status, application status
  • Register Devices, de-register devices and retrieve information about devices
  • Retrieve Historian Information

All samples are based on common client code. This client uses google-gson to convert Java objects to a JSON object.

Apache Ant is required if you wish to build the project locally.


Client Usage


DeviceClient is used for making device calls. DeviceClient constructor accepts an options(java.util.Properties) as follows

  • org - Your organization ID
  • type - The type of your device
  • id - The ID of your device
  • auth-method - Method of authentication (the only value currently supported is “token”)
  • auth-token - API key token (required if auth-method is “token”)
		Properties options = new Properties();
		DeviceClient client = null;
		options.put("org", "organization");
		options.put("type", "deviceType");
		options.put("id", "deviceId");
		options.put("auth-method", "token"); // the only value currently supported is “token”
		options.put("auth-token", "authToken");

		try {
			client = new DeviceClient(options);
		} catch (Exception e) {

DeviceClient constructor also accepts configuration file in the following format

      DeviceClient client;
      Properties options = DeviceClient.parsePropertiesFile(configFilePath);
        try {
			client = new DeviceClient(options);
		} catch (Exception e) {

Publishing events

DeviceClient can be used to publish events. Events can be published at any of the three quality of service levels.

Publish events using default quality of service

		HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
		dataMap.put("temp", "30");
		dataMap.put("pressure", "289");

      client.publishEvent("status",dataMap); //QoS = 0

Publish events using user-defined quality of service

        HashMap<String, String> dataMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
        dataMap.put("temp", "30");
        dataMap.put("pressure", "289");

        int qos = 2;
        client.publishEvent("status",dataMap, qos); //QoS = 2

As seen in the above example, the device event can be sent both as a HashMap and as a Java bean.

Device Commands

When the device client connects it automatically subscribes to any command for this device. To process specific commands you need to register a command callback method. The messages are returned as an instance of the Command class which has the following properties:

  • command - command name
  • format - format of the command payload
  • data - The actual data for the command
  • payload - String
  • timestamp - Timestamp of the command
	class MyCommandCallback implements EventCallback {	
		public void processCommand(Command cmd) {	
			System.out.println("Received Command :: " + cmd.getCommand());
			if("print".equals(cmd.getCommand()) ) {
				String data = cmd.getPayload().toString();
			   if(data == null) {
			       System.out.println("ERROR - command is missing required information");
			   } else {
          } else {
              System.out.println("Command : "+cmd.getCommand()+" , is currently not supported");
	 client.setEventCallback(new MyCommandCallback());


ApplicationClient constructor accepts an options(java.util.Properties) as follows

  • org - Your organization ID
  • id - The unique ID of your application within your organization
  • auth-method - Method of authentication (the only value currently supported is “apikey”)
  • auth-key - API key (required if auth-method is “apikey”)
  • auth-token - API key token (required if auth-method is “apikey”)
		Properties options = new Properties();
    	ApplicationClient appClient = null;

		options.put("org", "organization");
		options.put("id", "uniqueAppId");
		options.put("auth-method", "apikey"); // the only value currently supported is “apikey”
		options.put("auth-key", "authKey");
		options.put("auth-token", "authToken");

		try {
			appClient = new ApplicationClient(options);
		} catch (Exception e) {

ApplicationClient constructor also accepts configuration file in the following format org=$orgId id=$myApplication auth-method=apikey auth-key=$key auth-token=$token

		Properties options = new Properties();
    	ApplicationClient appClient;

      options = ApplicationClient.parsePropertiesFile(configFilePath);
      try {
			appClient = new ApplicationClient(options);
		} catch (Exception e) {

Subscribing to device events

subscribeToDeviceEvents will subscribe to all events from all connected devices. Use the type, id and event parameters to control the scope of the subscription. A single client can support multiple subscriptions.

Subscribe to all events from all devices
Subscribe to all events from all devices of a specific type
Subscribe to all events from a specfic device
    client.subscribeToDeviceEvents("myDeviceType", "myDeviceId");
Subscribe to specfic events from a specfic device
    client.subscribeToDeviceEvents("myDeviceType", "myDeviceId", "status");
Subscribe to a specific event from two different devices
    client.subscribeToDeviceEvents("myDeviceType", "myDeviceId1", "status");
    client.subscribeToDeviceEvents("myOtherDeviceType", "myDeviceId2", "status");

Handling events from devices

To process the events received by your subscriptions you need to register an event callback method. The messages are returned as an instance of the Event class:

  • event.getDeviceId() - String (uniquely identifies the device across all types of devices in the organization
  • event.getDeviceType() - String
  • event.getEvent() - String
  • event.getFormat() - String
  • event.getPayload() - String
  • event.getTimestamp() - DateTime
    class MyEventCallback implements EventCallback {
		public void processEvent(Event e) {
			System.out.println("Event " + e.getPayload());

		public void processCommand(Command cmd) {
			System.out.println("Command " + cmd.getPayload());			

Handling status updates from devices

To process the status updates received by your subscriptions you need to register an event callback method. The messages are returned as an instance of the Status class:

The following properties are set for both “Connect” and “Disconnect” status events:

  • status.clientAddr - string
  • status.protocol - string
  • status.clientId - string
  • status.user - string
  • status.time - datetime
  • status.action - string
  • status.connectTime - datetime
  • status.port - int

The following properties are only set when the action is “Disconnect”:

  • status.writeMsg - int
  • status.readMsg - int
  • status.reason - string
  • status.readBytes - int
  • status.writeBytes - int
    private class MyStatusCallback implements StatusCallback {

		public void processApplicationStatus(ApplicationStatus status) {
			System.out.println("Application Status = " + status.getPayload());

		public void processDeviceStatus(DeviceStatus status) {
			System.out.println("Device Status = " + status.getPayload());

Subscribe to status updates for two different devices

	private class MyStatusCallback implements StatusCallback {

		public void processApplicationStatus(ApplicationStatus status) {
			System.out.println("Application Status = " + status.getPayload());

		public void processDeviceStatus(DeviceStatus status) {
			System.out.println("Device Status = " + status.getPayload());
	client.setStatusCallback(new MyStatusCallback());	
	client.subscribeToDeviceStatus("myDeviceType", "myDeviceId1", "status");
	client.subscribeToDeviceStatus("myDeviceType", "myDeviceId2", "status");

Publishing commands to devices

Applications can publish commands to connected devices

        HashMap<String, String> commandData = new HashMap<String, String>();
        commandData.put("reboot", "3");
        client.publishCommand("myDeviceType", "myDeviceId", "reboot", commandData)

Device Registration, Information Retrieval and Device Deletion

The IoT Foundation client library can also be used for device registration, deletion and device information retrieval.

DeviceFactory is used to register devices, retrieve information about existing device(s) and delete an existing device.

Device Registration

DeviceFactory constructor accepts an options(java.util.Properties) as follows

  • authKey - The API Key for external device development
  • authToken - The Auth Token for the API Key

registerDevice method accepts deviceType, deviceId and metadata as follows

  • deviceType - String which contains a deviceType
  • deviceId - String which contains a deviceId
  • metadata - String which contains metadata
	Properties options = new Properties();
	options.put("authKey", "auth key for the app");
	options.put("authToken", "auth token");
	options.put("id", "deviceId");

	DeviceFactory factory = new DeviceFactory(options);

	String deviceType = new String("device type");
	String deviceId = new String("device id");
	String metadata = new String("metadata information");
	Device device = factory.registerDevice(deviceType, deviceId, metadata);

	if(device != null)
		System.out.println("Device retrieved and has " + device);
		System.out.println("Device not retrieved");

Device Deletion

DeviceFactory constructor accepts an options(java.util.Properties) as follows

  • authKey - The API Key for external device development
  • authToken - The Auth Token for the API Key.

deleteDevice method accepts deviceType and deviceId as follows

  • deviceType - String which contains a deviceType
  • deviceId - String which contains a deviceId
	Properties options = new Properties();
	options.put("authKey", "auth key for the app");
	options.put("authToken", "auth token");
	options.put("id", "deviceId");

	DeviceFactory factory = new DeviceFactory(options);

	String deviceType = new String("device type");
	String deviceId = new String("device id");

	boolean deviceDeleted = factory.deleteDevice(deviceType, deviceId);
	System.out.println("Operation was successful? " + deviceDeleted);

Device Information Retrieval

DeviceFactory constructor accepts an options(java.util.Properties) as follows

  • authKey - The API Key for external device development
  • authToken - The Auth Token for the API Key.

getDevices method doesn't take any parameters and returns a list of devices registered with the given organization.

	Properties options = new Properties();
	options.put("authKey", "auth key for the app");
	options.put("authToken", "auth token");
	options.put("id", "deviceId");

	DeviceFactory factory = new DeviceFactory(options);

	Device [] listDevices = factory.getDevices();
	System.out.println("Devices obtained = " + listDevices.length);	

Historian Information Retrieval

HistoricalEvent constructor is a default constructor.

getHistoricalEvents method of the class DeviceFactory returns an array of Historian events (at most last 100). It is overloaded and accepts varying number of arguments.

2 arguments

  • deviceType which is of String type
  • deviceId which is of String type

single argument

  • deviceType which is of String type

no arguments

	Properties options = new Properties();
	options.put("authKey", "auth key for the app");
	options.put("authToken", "auth token");
	options.put("id", "deviceId");

	DeviceFactory factory = new DeviceFactory(options);

	HistoricalEvent [] listHistory = factory.getHistoricalEvents("deviceType", "device Id");
	System.out.println("Events obtained = " + listHistory.length);

	listHistory = factory.getHistoricalEvents("deviceType");
	System.out.println("Events obtained = " + listHistory.length);

	listHistory = factory.getHistoricalEvents();
	System.out.println("Events obtained = " + listHistory.length);