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R on the web

Useful links for people interested in R.

Online books

First, many websites are listed and hosted on

One book rules them all! The big book of R lists many many books written in and for R!

-- Data Science --

R for data science: THE reference. Must read, must have.

Introduction to Data Science: a huge book on many many topics in Data Science, by Rafael Irizarry, from Harvard.

Another Introduction to Data Science: a great alternative to the preceding monograph. Maybe slightly more accessible.

Data Science in Education Using R: Another great book, very didactic with lots of examples.

Modern R with the tidyverse: Great resource for beginners, really starts from scratch.

-- Shiny --

Mastering Shiny: Hadley Wickham's secrets on how to build Shiny apps.

The Shiny AWS book: a great tutorial that covers many topics beyond Shiny and AWS (ex: Docker & Git)

Outstanding User Interfaces with Shiny: An advanced book on Shiny's html/JavaScript capabilities - and how to customize the layout of Shiny apps.

-- Visualization --

Fundamentals of Data Visualization: An exhaustive book on visualization tools & tips.

R graphics cookbook: the way to go if you're starting on ggplot().

-- Machine Learning --

Hands on Machine Learning with R: a great (the?) reference for ML in R.

An Introduction to Machine Learning with R: introductory material on ML in R.

-- Statistics --

Foundations in statistics: an incredibly didactic book on various topics in statistics: warmly recommended!

Statistical Inference via Data Science: a book on regressions & hypothesis testing.

Introduction to Econometrics with R: a great monograph on econometrics with lots of examples.

-- Finance --

Machine learning for factor investing: a book on quantitative finance with lots of R code + a financial dataset.

Financial Engineering Analytics: a general purpose book on R & finance.

Technical Analysis with R: a book on technical analysis in finance.

Tidy Portfolio Management in R: Portfolio management with some packages in R (xts, PortfolioAnalytics, etc.).

-- Misc. --

Rcpp for everyone: A book dedicated to the integration of C++ in R. Very useful to accelerate simple routines.

Advanced R: for well seasoned users.

Text mining with R: one reference book on the subject.

Twitter for R programmers: very useful for people who want to scrap data from Twitter.

Twitter for scientists: a book for people who want to get better at using Twitter - not R specific.

Curated lists of resources / packages

Machine Learning: by Joseph Misiti

List of cool packages I: by awesome R

List of cool packages II: by Garrett Grolemund (RStudio)

Learning / Pedagogy

Bradley Boehmke's courses: Beginner, Intermediate and Expert: great material for all levels!

Josehp Larmarange's wiki: Great overview of R (in French).

Julien Barnier's intro: Great intro to R and the tidyverse (in French).

Florian Privé's book/wiki: Good intro to R/RStudio (in French).

tidyverse snapshot: Impressive deck by Hadley Wickham.

More on tidy data: dplyr & tidyr by Julie Lowndes.

Data Science in a Box!: very large scope course on data science with lots of material.

Data Science repo: an aggregation of Data Science resources.

Interactive web-based data visualization with R, plotly, and shiny: exhaustive book on (online) visualization techniques.

Yan Holt's intoduction to R tools: much focused on visualization.

Krista DeStasio's best practices: tips on project & code organisation.

Kelly Bodwin's course on statistics with R: more data science than pure stats in my opinion...

Machine learning

Keras for R: arguably the best solution for neural networks. Homepage here

The xgboost package: one of the best for boosted trees (with lightgbm).

The caret package: probably the most complete ML package. Book here

Erin LeDell's large scale tutorial: an efficient overview of the main algorithms with lots of code chunks.

Christoph Molnar's online book: a great resource for interpretability of ML models.

Tidymodels: a meta package dedicated to: preparing data, assessing models, exporting results, etc. Reference here


Maps with R I

Maps with R II

BBC cookbook for ggplot: recipes to create graphs like those of the BBC data crew!

Animated plots with gganimate: ggplot, only, in motion! Home repo here.

Generative art

Generative Art with R (1): amazing geometric plots.

Generative Art with R (2): amazing plots: the power of ggplot!

Mandalas in R: geometry & color combined.

Drawing fractals: fronkostin again!

Fractal flowers: ggplot + colourlovers!

Clifford attractors: large scale simulations!

Tridokus: Coloring sudokus.

aRt project: William Chase's monthly productions.

Text mining

Basic text mining in R: a smooth introduction.

Scrapping & text mining tripadvisor: sentiment analysis.

Sentiment from news: nice flexible shiny app for sentiment in user-uploaded text.


Reproducible finance: amazing resources for portfolio management.

Portfolio volatility shiny app: tailor made vol plots.

The derivmkts pacakge: option pricing with R.


R Weekly: frequent updates in the R community.

Send tweets from R: one application of the Twitter API.

Most Starred R Packages on GitHub: Packages by popularity.

reticulate: combining Python & R.