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Anime converter

What is this for?

This repository convert your normal image into anime image.


Anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. In Japan and in Japanese, anime describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. However, outside of Japan and in English, anime is colloquial for Japanese animation and refers specifically to animation produced in Japan.

Links to references


File Path

Here is the file path for Cartoon ML Model. /CartoonAPI/CartoonAPI.ipynb

You can use the CartoonAPI file in your Colab setup

Colab Cartoon API dependencies Installation

pip install flask-ngrok

pip install pyngrok

pip install -U flask-cors

pip install flask-ngrok


First, set up this repository on your local machine or colab. Installing all dependency in your Machine and authentication your ngrok token.

To run run all the jupiter or colab cell

To make changes at line 5 on ngrok authtoken "<_YOUR_NGROK_TOKEN_>" this is your ngrok token.

To access the API. <_YOUR_NGROK_LINK_>/img?img=<_YOUR_BASE64_IMAGE_>

Laravel and Vue Installation

Clone the Application on your local system. After cloning the application on your local system use cd Cartoon-Image-ML-Model command to go to the Cartoon ML model Directory

Install the default dependencies by running the following command.

composer update

npm install

Setting Up Database

First change the default database in config/database.php Add your database credentials in .env file. Run php artisan migrate to setup your database migration.

To start your Local server

npm run dev

php artisan serve

Total Route Link

Open your local server and go to this path:

Go To Home Page or

Demo Video


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