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Dashing Platforms

Platform infrastructure middleware supports event dispatch and other basic services.


  1. Written in C++ using ACE-the Adaptive Communication Environment created by Doug Schmidt which supported by several university research groups.
  2. Performance and footprint make it applicable for both embedded and non-embedded environments.
  3. Message bus based communication using Mailboxes paradigm and supporting unicast, broadcast, and multicast message delivery.
  4. Management interfaces uses TAO CORBA for C++ and Jacorb for Java.
  5. Provides skeleton primitives for platform logger, relational database interface, object/memory pooling and re-use.


  1. See DashingPlatformsDevelopersHandbook in the root directory for complete documentation.
  2. Additionally, docs/index.html is the link to the Javadocs API documentation
  3. docs/html/index.html is the link to the doxygen API documentation for C++ components.
  4. Unittest doxygen APIs can optionally be generated


I created this as a side project with the intent of starting a company around delivering platform infrastructure software and services; however, it never took off. For several years, platform technology has been rapidly changing as the cloud has become the alternative solution for feature-focused companies who struggle to add a platform to their products. By my releasing this to the open source community, I hope that someone can find it useful and benefit by using it.


Stephen Horton