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Navbar with Dropdown Menus

Project Description

This project is a recreation of the navigation bar found on the MDN Web Docs website. The navbar includes dropdown menus for different categories, providing a user-friendly way to navigate through various sections of a website. The project aims to replicate the functionality and design of the MDN navbar, allowing developers to understand and implement similar navigation patterns in their web applications.


  • Responsive Design: The navbar is responsive and adjusts its layout based on different screen sizes, ensuring optimal user experience across devices.
  • Dropdown Menus: The navbar features dropdown menus for different categories, allowing users to access sub-sections and related content.
  • Customizable Styling: The project provides a foundation for styling the navbar, and developers can customize its appearance to match the design of their websites.
  • JavaScript Interactivity: JavaScript is used to handle user interactions, such as opening and closing dropdown menus, providing a dynamic and interactive user experience.

Technologies Used

  • HTML: The structure of the navbar and its dropdown menus are defined using HTML elements.
  • CSS: Styling and layout are applied using CSS to create an appealing visual design.
  • JavaScript: Interactivity and functionality, such as dropdown menu behavior, are implemented using JavaScript.
  • SVG: Scalable Vector Graphics are used for icons, providing clear and resizable images.


To use this navbar in your project, follow these steps:

  1. HTML: Include the HTML structure for the navbar and dropdown menus in your project's HTML file.

    <!-- Include the necessary HTML code for the navbar and dropdown menus -->
    <nav class="navbar">
      <!-- Navbar content goes here -->
  2. CSS: Apply the provided CSS styles to your project's stylesheet or include them within a <style> tag in the HTML file.

    /* Include the CSS styles for the navbar and dropdown menus */
    /* Your CSS styles go here */
  3. JavaScript: Implement the JavaScript functionality to handle user interactions, such as opening and closing dropdown menus.

    // Include the JavaScript code for navbar interactivity
    // Your JavaScript code goes here
  4. Customization: Customize the navbar's appearance and behavior by modifying the provided HTML, CSS, and JavaScript according to your project's requirements.


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find issues or have suggestions for improvements, please create a GitHub issue or fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.


This project is inspired by the navigation bar found on the MDN Web Docs website.


MIT License

Feel free to enhance this readme with additional details about the project, installation instructions, or any other relevant information specific to your implementation of the MDN-inspired navbar.


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