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Easy-ELua : Innovating project by RICM4 students

Easy-Elua for ** STM32F4-DISCOVERY **


This project aims to make programming easier on microcontroller cards STM32F4-DISCOVERY by offering an Arduino interface of the opensource project eLua, which implements Lua on multiple other cards. Our project consists in transcribing the mains functions of Arduino in Lua, so that everyone already using Arduino can understand it.

Combined with the powerful eLua, Easy-eLua offers:

  • Source code portability: Like in Lua, you program in C, Lua or a mixture of both and your program runs in a wide varied of (sometimes radically different) platforms and architectures supported.
  • Embedded RAD: Prototype and experiment on a Rapid Aplication Develop model. Test your ideas directly on the target platforms and cheap development kits. No need for simulators or future code adaptations.

Get the sources

The source code of the project is available on github:

$ git clone


Once you downloaded it, you need to launch the installation script (debian/fedora) which sets the environment, i.e. Sourcery toolchain and the stlink flash tool:

$ cd ricm4-Easy-Elua.git
$ ./
Install prerequisites
      [OK] Install development tools
Install Sourcery ARM toolchain version 2011.03-42
      [OK] Donwload Sourcery G++ Lite 2011.03-42 for ARM EABI
      [OK] Unpack Sourcery G++ Lite 2011.03-42 for ARM EABI
Install ST-FLASH from stlink
      [OK] Git clone stlink
      [OK] Compiling st-flash
Install elua
      [OK] Git clone elua
      [OK] Compiling elua for STM32F4DSCY
      [OK] Clean

Installation succeed !
Sourcery toolchain folder:        /home/salem/project/projet-ricm4/env/CodeSourcery/arm-2011.03
stlink flash utils floder:        /home/salem/project/projet-ricm4/env/utils/
Elua floder:                      /home/salem/project/projet-ricm4/elua
Activate env:                     /home/salem/project/projet-ricm4/


The script is used to easily activate on demand the environment so that the PATH of your machine doesn't become impaired. How to use it:

$ source


$ .

To launch programs on the card, you need to use the script followed by your file name. The card must be connected via USB on the mini-USB**A** port (power supply).

You need to import the arduino_wrapper.lua file when first launching the program with the instruction require ("arduino_wrapper").

--  Blink
--  Turns on an LED on for one second, then off for one second, repeatedly.

function App:setup()
    pinMode(ORANGE_LED, OUTPUT) -- Initialize the digital pin as an output.

function App:loop()
    digitalWrite(ORANGE_LED, HIGH)    -- set the LED on
    delay(1000)                       -- wait for a second
    digitalWrite(ORANGE_LED, LOW)     -- set the LED off
    delay(1000)                       -- wait for a second

app = App:new("Blink led")
$ ./ examples/blink.lua

The script adds the file arduino_wrapper, compiles elua and flashes the card with the generated image. The program (here blink.lua) launches automatically (sometimes you have to press the reset button or unplug and then replug the power supply).

Launching a program from the Elua shell

The Elua Shell

Elua offers an embbed shell, which allows you to test your program without reflashing the card. To do so, you need a serial link.

  • PB6 <-> TX
  • PB7 <-> RX
  • GND <-> Ground

We connect to the card with screen by launching the script:

$ ./
eLua dev-1b3d785  Copyright (C) 2007-2011
eLua# help
Shell commands:
exit        - exit from this shell
help        - print this help
ls or dir   - lists filesystems files and sizes
cat or type - lists file contents
lua [args]  - run Lua with the given arguments
recv [path] - receive a file via XMODEM, if there is a path, save there, otherwise run it.  cp <src> <dst> - copy source file 'src' to 'dst'
ver         - print eLua version
eLua# ls

arduino_wrapper.lua             1976 bytes
autorun.lua                    679 bytes

Total on /rom: 2655 bytes

eLua# lua /rom/autorun.lua
Press CTRL+Z to exit Lua
Run : Blink led

We can also use the lua interpreter to write dynamic programs!

eLua# lua
Press CTRL+Z to exit Lua
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2011, PUC-Rio
> require("arduino_wrapper")
> app = App:new("Hello Word!")
> app:run()
Run : Hello Word!

Send scripts via xmodem (without flash)

If the card is already flashed with elua, you can send your Lua script via xmodem (with screen) using the script

$ ./ examples/ascii_table.lua
eLua# recv
Waiting for file ... CSending examples/ascii_table.lua, 8 blocks: Give your local XMODEM receive command now.
Bytes Sent:   1152   BPS:2984

Transfer complete
done, got 1097 bytes
Run : ASCII Table ~ Character Map
!, dec: 33, hex: 21, oct: 41, bin: 100001
", dec: 34, hex: 22, oct: 42, bin: 100010
#, dec: 35, hex: 23, oct: 43, bin: 100011
$, dec: 36, hex: 24, oct: 44, bin: 100100
%, dec: 37, hex: 25, oct: 45, bin: 100101
&, dec: 38, hex: 26, oct: 46, bin: 100110
', dec: 39, hex: 27, oct: 47, bin: 100111

To exit screen, press CTRL+A then K

Note: It is usually possible to save the script directly into the card by specifying to recv the path, but for now it is not supported for the STM32F4-DISCOVERY.


Portage de la lib arduino sur eLua pour la carte STM32F4-Discovery







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