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Helping to build end-to-end test using Protractor, Jasmine, Bluebird, and Webdirver for our Angular 1.x app in 2015-6 to 2015-12. 
It's just a e2etests Repo, no business logics in here, got a permit to share this on my personal Github. 

Installation Steps

1. npm install from $mearoot
2. npm install from $mearoot/e2etests
3. grunt install from $mearoot/e2etests

To run
grunt test

To debug in webstorm
working directory = cabernet\e2etests
javascript file = node_modules/protractor/lib/cli.js
application parameters = protractor.e2e.conf.js

$ ffmpeg -video_size 1920x1080 -framerate 5 -f dshow -i video="screen-capture-recorder"  -c:v libx264 -crf 28 -preset ultrafast capture.mkv