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shsorbom edited this page Jun 6, 2020 · 1 revision

sMythbot: "Why, Mr. Anderson, WHY?!"

The Mythtv DVR is an incredibly powerful piece of software, but it has one great Achilles heel: it wasn't designed to face the internet. Unfortunately, that means that if you forgot to schedule a season premiere before you left town for the summer, you would (usually) be out of luck. That is where sMyhbot comes in. sMythbot leverages The Matrix ecosystem to provide a way for you to safely communicate with your DVR while you are away from home. sMythbot is a piece of client software designed to be run on your mythtv box that will log into Matrix, wait for instructions, and then relay those instructions back to your mythtv back-end the through Mythtv's built in Python API.

This Wiki shall provide a repository of instructions for installing, configuring, and troubleshooting your setup, along with a project roadmap and code documentation. This code is currently in Alpha State, meaning that it is not suitable for home use yet.

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