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Reimplementation of RETAIN Recurrent Neural Network in Keras


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RETAIN-Keras: Keras reimplementation of RETAIN

RETAIN is a neural network architecture originally introduced by Edward Choi that allows to create highly interpretable Recurrent Neural Network models for patient diagnosis without any loss in model performance

This repository holds Keras reimplementation of RETAIN that allows for flexible modifications to the original code, introduces multiple new features, and increases the speed of training

RETAIN has shown to be highly effective for creating predictive models for a multitude of conditions and we are excited to share this implementation to the broader healthcare data science community

Improvements and Extra Features

  • Simpler Keras code with Tensorflow backend
  • Ability to use extra numeric inputs of fixed size that can hold numeric information about the patients visit such as patient's age, quantity of drug prescribed, or blood pressure
  • Improved embedding logic that avoids using large dense inputs
  • Ability to create multi-gpu models (experimental)
  • Switch to CuDNN implementations of RNN layers that provides immense training speed ups
  • Ability to evaluate models during training
  • Ability to train models with only positive contributions which improves performance
  • Extra script to evaluate the model and output several helper graphics

Running RETAIN-Keras


  1. Python (2 or 3)

  2. If using GPU: CUDA and CuDNN

  3. Tensorflow

  4. Keras (2.1.3+)

  5. Scikit-Learn

  6. Numpy

  7. Pandas

  8. Matplotlib (evaluation)

  9. Keras-experiments by Alex Volkov:

    pip install git+

    Enables multi-gpu support with reliable savings of the model


  1. Clone down the repository
  2. Done

Running the code

Training Model Command

python3 --num_codes=x --additional arguments

Evaluating Model Command

python3 --additional arguments

Interpretations Script


Training Arguments

This script will train the RETAIN model and evaluate/save it after each epoch has multiple arguments to customize the training and model:

  • --num_codes: Integer Number of medical codes in the data set (required)
  • --numeric_size: Integer Size of numeric inputs, 0 if none. Default: 0
  • --use_time: Enables the extra time input for each visit. Default: off
  • --emb_size: Integer Size of the embedding layer. Default: 200
  • --epochs: Integer Number of epochs for training. Default: 1
  • --n_steps: Integer Maximum number of visits after which the data is truncated. This features helps to conserve GPU Ram (only the most recent n_steps will be used). Default: 300
  • --recurrent_size': Integer Size of the recurrent layers. Default: 200
  • --path_data_train: String Path to train data. Default: 'data/data_train.pkl'
  • --path_data_test: String Path to test/validation data. Default: 'data/data_test.pkl'
  • --path_target_train: String Path to train target. Default: 'data/target_train.pkl'
  • --path_target_test: String Path to test/validation target. Default: 'data/target_test.pkl'
  • --batch_size: Integer Batch Size for training. Default: 32
  • --dropout_input: Float Dropout rate for embedding of codes and numeric features (0 to 1). Default: 0.0
  • --dropout_context: Float Dropout rate for context vector (0 to 1). Default: 0.0
  • --l2: Float L2 regularitzation value for layers. Default: 0.0
  • --directory: String Directory to save the model and the log file to. Default: 'Model' (directory needs to exist otherwise error will be thrown)
  • --allow_negative: Allows negative weights for embeddings/attentions (original RETAIN implementaiton allows it but forcing non-negative weights have shown to perform better on a range of tasks). Default: off

Evaluation Arguments

This script will evaluate the specific RETAIN model and create some sample graphs has some arguments:

  • --path_model: Path to the model to evaluate. Default: 'Model/weights.01.hdf5'
  • --path_data: Path to evaluation data. Default: 'data/data_test.pkl'
  • --path_target: Path to evaluation target. Default: 'data/target_test.pkl'
  • --omit_graphs: Does not output graphs if argument is present. Default: (Graphs are output)
  • --n_steps: Integer Maximum number of visits after which the data is truncated. This features helps to conserve GPU Ram (only the most recent n_steps will be used). Default: 300
  • --batch_size: Batch size for prediction (higher values are generally faster). Default: 32

Interpretation Arguments

This script will compute probabilities for all patients and then will allow the user to select patients by their order id to see patient's specific risk score and interpret their visits (displayed as pandas dataframes) - It is highly recommended to extract this script to a notebook to enable more dynamic interaction has some arguments:

  • --path_model: Path to the model to evaluate. Default: 'Model/weights.01.hdf5'
  • --path_data: Path to evaluation data. Default: 'data/data_test.pkl'
  • --path_dictionary: Path to dictionary that maps code index to the specific alphanumeric value. If numerics inputs are used they should have indexes num_codes+1 through num_codes+numeric_size, num_codes index is reserved for padding.
  • --batch_size: Batch size for prediction (higher values are generally faster). Default: 32

Data and Target Format


By default data has to be saved as a pickled pandas dataframe with following format:

  • Each row is 1 patient
  • Rows are sorted by the number of visits a person has. People with the least visits should be in the beginning of the dataframe and people with the most visits at the end
  • Column 'codes' is a list of lists where each sublist are codes for the individual visit. Lists have to ordered by their order of events (from old to new)
  • Column 'numerics' is a list of lists where each sublist contains numeric values for individual visit. Lists have to be ordered by their order of events (from old to new). Lists have to have a static size of numeric_size indicating number of different numeric features for each visit. Numeric information can include things like patients age, blood pressure, BMI, length of the visit, or cost charged (or all at the same time!). This column is not used if numeric_size equals 0
  • Column 'to_event' is a list of values indicating when the respective visit happened. Values have to be ordered from oldest to newest. This column is not used if use_time is not specified


By default target has to be saved as a pickled pandas dataframe with following format:

  • Each row is 1 patient corresponding to the patient from data file
  • Column 'target' is patient's class (either 0 or 1)

Sample Data Generation Using MIMIC-III

You can quickly test this reimplementation by creating a sample dataset from MIMIC-III data using script

You will need to request access to MIMIC-III, a de-identified database containing information about clinical care of patients for 11 years of data, to be able to run this script.

This script heavily borrows from original created by Edward Choi but is modified to output data in a format specified above. It outputs the necessary files to a user-specified directory and splits them into train and test by user-specified ratio.


Run from the MIMIC-III directory after creating RETAIN-Keras_files directory. This will split data with 70% going to training and 30% to test:

python ADMISSIONS.csv DIAGNOSES_ICD.csv PATIENTS.csv RETAIN-Keras_files .7

Licenses and Contributions

Please review the license, notice and other documents before using the code in this repository or making a contribution to the repository


  1. Edward Choi, Mohammad Taha Bahadori, Joshua A. Kulas, Andy Schuetz, Walter F. Stewart, Jimeng Sun, 2016, RETAIN: An interpretable predictive model for healthcare using reverse time attention mechanism, In Proc. of Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) 2016, pp.3504-3512.

  2. Goldberger AL, Amaral LAN, Glass L, Hausdorff JM, Ivanov PCh, Mark RG, Mietus JE, Moody GB, Peng C-K, Stanley HE. PhysioBank, PhysioToolkit, and PhysioNet: Components of a New Research Resource for Complex Physiologic Signals. Circulation 101(23):e215-e220 [Circulation Electronic Pages;]; 2000 (June 13).


Reimplementation of RETAIN Recurrent Neural Network in Keras



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