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Maze Solver using Java Swing and DFS

I developed a maze solver project using Java Swing and the Depth-First Search (DFS) algorithm. This software application provides a visual representation of a maze and solves it using the DFS algorithm.

Key Features:

Maze Generation: Implemented functionality to generate random mazes or allow users to manually create mazes using a grid-based interface. The maze can include walls, start point, and end point.

DFS Algorithm: Utilized the Depth-First Search algorithm to solve the maze. DFS explores paths in a depth-first manner, backtracking when no further progress can be made, until it finds a solution.

User Interface: Designed a graphical user interface (GUI) using Java Swing, allowing users to interact with the maze. The interface provides buttons to generate or reset mazes, start the solving process, and visualize the path.

Maze Solving Visualization: Implemented a visualization feature to show the solving process step by step. As the DFS algorithm progresses, the user can observe how the solver explores different paths and backtracks until it reaches the solution.

Path Highlighting: Incorporated a mechanism to highlight the discovered path from the start point to the end point once the maze is solved, providing a clear visual representation of the solution.

Maze Solving Speed Control: Provided options for users to control the speed of the solving process, allowing them to observe the solving steps at their desired pace.

Error Handling: Implemented error handling mechanisms to handle cases where a maze has no solution or encounters other issues during the solving process.

The project utilized Java Swing to create an interactive and visually appealing interface, providing an engaging maze-solving experience.

This maze solver project allows users to generate or create mazes and solve them using the DFS algorithm. It provides a visual representation of the solving process, allowing users to understand and appreciate how the algorithm explores paths to find the solution.


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