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Mini Todo Server with Persistent Storage

This is a simple CRUD API built using Node.js and Express.js that provides basic functionality for managing a todo list.

The unique feature of this server is its ability to persist data even after the server is closed. It achieves this by storing the todo items in a JSON file (minidatabase.json) on the server's file system.


  • Get All Todos: Retrieve a list of all todo items.
  • Add a Todo: Create a new todo item.
  • Get a Specific Todo: Retrieve information about a specific todo item based on its ID.
  • Update a Todo: Modify the details of a specific todo item.
  • Delete a Todo: Remove a specific todo item from the list.


  1. Clone the repository to your local machine.
  2. Install dependencies by running:
  npm install


  1. Start the server by running:
npm start

The server will run on port 3000 by default.

  1. Use the following endpoints to interact with the API:
  • GET /todos: Retrieve a list of all todo items.

  • POST /todos: Add a new todo item.

    • Request body should include:
      • title (string): Title of the todo.
      • description (string): Description of the todo.
      • isCompleted (boolean): Indicates whether the todo is completed.
  • GET /todos/:id: Retrieve a specific todo item by its ID.

  • PUT /todos/:id: Update a specific todo item by its ID.

    • Request body should include:
      • title (string): Updated title of the todo.
      • description (string): Updated description of the todo.
      • isCompleted (boolean): Updated completion status.
  • DELETE /todos/:id: Delete a specific todo item by its ID.

  1. To stop the server, press Ctrl + C in the terminal.

Persistent Storage

All todo items are stored in the minidatabase.json file on the server's file system. This allows data to persist even if the server is closed and restarted.

Error Handling

  • If there are issues reading or writing to the file, the server responds with a status code of 500 (Internal Server Error).
  • If a requested todo item is not found, the server responds with a status code of 404 (Not Found).
  • If there are issues deleting a todo item, the server responds with a status code of 400 (Bad Request) if the todo list is already empty.


  • The server generates random IDs for new todo items.
  • The findTodoByID function is used to locate a todo item in the list by its ID.


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