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Cloud Shuffle Service

GitHub license

Cloud Shuffle Service(CSS) 是一个通用的远程shuffle解决方案。其支持当前主流计算引擎,如Spark/Flink/MapReduce等, 并为这些主流的计算框架提供相比原生方案更可靠的、性能更高的、更弹性的数据shuffle能力。 计算框架将shuffle数据推送到CSS集群并存放在磁盘或者HDFS中, 之后当需要读取数据时,再通过CSS集群的接口拉取相关的shuffle数据。

CSS Architecture

  • CSS Worker

    负责把来自Map Task发送的数据存储到内存中并最终异步的把数据刷写到文件系统中。当Reduce Task开始时可以从Worker拉取之前存储的数据。

  • CSS Master

    负责协调application的整个shuffle过程,需要被整合进application的运行过程中,例如跑在Spark的driver中。 CSS Master会从ZooKeeper中获取worker的列表并且分配合适的worker给application提供shuffle服务,并且跟进所有Map Task完成的进度, 当Map Task运行完成的时候会通知所有worker把所有缓存中的数据持久化到磁盘并关闭文件。

  • CSS Client

    当运行Map或者reduce task时,负责从所有worker推送或者拉取shuffle数据

编译 CSS

mvn build

CSS 使用 Apache Maven 作为编译工具。使用Maven编译CSS需要使用Java 8,和Scala 2.12或Scala 2.11

mvn -DskipTests clean package


使用项目根目录下的 ./ 来编译得到可执行文件


执行之后会生成一个tgz包,可以将其拷贝到想要部署 CSS 服务的节点上

├── client
├── conf
├── docs
├── lib  // CSS cluster lib
└── sbin

部署 CSS 集群

CSS 提供两种部署模式,分别是独立部署模式和Zookeeper模式。其中独立部署模式当前仅支持测试场景,在生产场景下建议使用zookeeper模式。

  1. 把按照之前步骤编译好的tgz包发送到集群中的每个节点上
  2. 解压该tgz包到某个目录,并设置该目录路径作为环境变量CSS_HOME的值,集群默认配置文件、metrics配置文件、worker列表文件都放在$CSS_HOME/conf目录下
  3. 修改 $CSS_HOME/sbin/
    # standalone mode
    WORKER_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx8192m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=100000m"
    # zookeeper mode
    WORKER_JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx8192m -XX:MaxDirectMemorySize=100000m"
  4. 修改 $CSS_HOME/conf/css-defaults.conf = <css cluster name>
    # standalone(for testing) or zookeeper(for production)
    css.worker.registry.type = zookeeper
    # only for zookeeper mode
    css.zookeeper.address = <ip1>:<port1>,<ip2>:<port2>,<ip3>:<port3>
    # css worker common conf
    css.flush.queue.capacity = 4096
    css.flush.buffer.size = 128k = 600s
    css.epoch.rotate.threshold = 1g = 8 = 128
    css.replicate.threads = 128 = 64
    css.fetch.chunk.size = 4m
    css.shuffle.server.chunkFetchHandlerThreadsPercent = 400
    # hdfs storage
    css.hdfsFlusher.base.dir = hdfs://xxx
    css.hdfsFlusher.num = -1
    css.hdfsFlusher.replica = 2    
    # local disk storage
    css.diskFlusher.base.dirs = /data00/css,/data01/css
    css.disk.dir.num.min = 1
  5. 自定义 metrics 配置文件和 worker 列表文件
  6. 把上述所有配置文件发送到集群中所有的节点上
  7. 执行如下命令启动所有的Css Workers,所有的worker所在的节点需要该执行该命令的机器能够通过SSH正常连接
    # standalone mode
    cd $CSS_HOME;bash ./sbin/
    # zookeeper mode
    cd $CSS_HOME;bash ./sbin/


  1. 拷贝 $CSS_HOME/client/spark-${version}/*.jar$SPARK_HOME/jars/
  2. 启动 spark 时添加如下参数
    # standalone mode
    --conf<css cluster name> \
    --conf spark.css.master.address=css://<masterIp>:<masterPort>\
    --conf spark.shuffle.manager=org.apache.spark.shuffle.css.CssShuffleManager\
    # zookeeper mode
    --conf<css cluster name> \
    --conf spark.css.zookeeper.address="<ip1>:<port1>,<ip2>:<port2>,<ip3>:<port3>" \
    --conf spark.shuffle.manager=org.apache.spark.shuffle.css.CssShuffleManager\

支持 Spark Adaptive Query Execution

CSS 支持 Spark AQE 所有特性。对于SkewJoin的支持,需要使用以下文件更新Spark的源码并重新编译Spark。



CSS 服务端配置

All detailed configuration can be found in CssConf class.

Property Name Default Meaning - The cluster name for the CSS cluster.
css.worker.registry.type standalone The worker registry type (e.g. standalone, zookeeper). This will also specify if CSS will run under Standalone or zookeeper mode.
css.zookeeper.address - (For zookeeper mode) The CSS zookeeper address. 32 The CSS Threads for netty push data io. 32 The CSS Threads for netty fetch data io.
css.commit.threads 128 The CSS Threads for stage end to close partition file.
css.diskFlusher.base.dirs /tmp/css The CSS Disk Base dirs (e.g. /data00/css,/data01/css).
css.hdfsFlusher.base.dir - The CSS HDFS Base dir (e.g. hdfs://xxx).

CSS 客户端配置

Property Name Default Meaning
css.max.allocate.worker 1000 The Maximum number of workers requested for shuffling.
css.worker.allocate.extraRatio 1.5 The application can allocate additional workers controlled by this extra ratio, the final number will be calculated with Min(Max(2, targetWorker), MaxAllocateWorker).
css.backpressure.enabled true The back pressure control, when enabled, it will use Gradient2Limit to control push data rate, otherwise use FixedLimit.
css.fixRateLimit.threshold 64 Fixed Rate for the back pressure control. 8 The Maximum client side data sending for netty thread.
css.maxPartitionsPerGroup 100 The Maximum number of partitions per group, each data push will send one group at a time.
css.partitionGroup.push.buffer.size 4m The Maximum buffer size sent per each data push, in the same format as JVM memory strings with a size unit suffix ("k", "m", "g" or "t") (e.g. 512m, 2g).
css.client.mapper.end.timeout 600s The Maximum timeout to wait for all data to be sent before mapTask ends.
css.stage.end.timeout 600s The Maximum timeout to wait for all partition files to close.
css.sortPush.spill.record.threshold 1000000 The Maximum records for sending data.
css.sortPush.spill.size.threshold 256m The Maximum size for sending data, in the same format as JVM memory strings with a size unit suffix ("k", "m", "g" or "t") (e.g. 512m, 2g).
css.shuffle.mode DISK Choose which storage mode to use (e.g. DISK, HDFS).
css.epoch.rotate.threshold 1g The file auto rotate switch threshold size for new files, in the same format as JVM memory strings with a size unit suffix ("k", "m", "g" or "t") (e.g. 512m, 2g).
css.client.failed.batch.blacklist.enabled true When MapTask encounters onFailure, the current reduceId-epochId-mapId-mapAttemptId-batchId will be recorded into the blacklist. In AE skewjoin mode, this switch must be turned on, otherwise there will be correctness problems.
css.compression.codec lz4 It is recommended to use zstd compression mode. Compared with lz4, it can improve the compression ratio by 30%, and only consume an additional 8% of performance.




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本项目采用Apache-2.0 License协议.