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Simple Mastodon Docker Guide

Mastodon is the federated Twitter alternative you can host yourself. I wanted to do just that, but there isn't an official guide for doing it. There are other guides out there, many of them seem unnecessarily complicated, so here's my simple take. It sets up Mastodon, but also nginx and SSH certificates with Let's Encrypt,

This guide also includes instructions for how to backup and restore your Mastodon server, so you know your data is safe.


  • A Linux machine with at least 1 CPU core, 1 Gb of RAM, and however much disk space you plane on tweeting. A basic Linode VPS will do. You can use whatever distro you like, I use Ubuntu 20.04 LTS.
  • A relatively recent version of docker and docker-compose, for the latter I have 25.0.3-1, if you're running an older version you need to run your containers in privileged mode, which is always good to avoid.
  • Port 80 and 443 available, so no Nginx or Apache etc.
  • A domain with a DNS.
  • Access to an SMTP account. I use Amazon, Mastodon suggests Mailgun.


  • Create a directory somewhere on your machine to host Mastodon, f.egs

    mkdir /srv/mastodon
    cd /srv/mastodon
  • Create a text file

    nano docker-compose.yml

    and copy/paste the content of /docker-compose.yml to that file. Save and exit.

  • create an empty settings file, the Mastodon setup wizards requires this.

    touch .env.production
  • Start the setup wizard. It's clunky and weird, but we need to live with it

    docker-compose run --rm web bundle exec rake mastodon:setup

    Note that the wizard doesn't care about the contents of .env.production, it will always run through the same steps.

    Domain : egs :
    Single user mode : if you select no, other people will be able to create accounts on your machine.  
    Run in Docker : yes
    All Postgres questions : select default answers, if you get an error, you're likely on an outdated version of docker 
    All Redis questions : ditto
    Upload to cloud : no, Mastodon supports saving media to S3, I'm assuming you're saving locally
    Emails from localhost: no, we want to use external SMTP
    All SMTP questions: enter whatever fits your SMTP service
    Emails from : notificaations@<some address your smtp service lets you send from>
    Send test email : always good to confirm your service works
    periodic checks : whatever, I always say no
    Save config : YES. The wizard will print output to screen, copy and paste this into .env.production in another terminal window and save before proceeding.
    Prepare db : yes

At this point Mastodon will populate your DB, and this is where things can get hairy.

  Create admin user : yes
  Name : <user name for your account>
  Email: email address to send password reset to

At this point Mastodon will attempt to set up your user, and very likely fail trying to contact Redis. If it does, don't panic, your user will likely have been created. If it does't fail, you'll be given a random password to login in with. Save this. If you get the Redis error, proceed any way.

  • Now some final set up for Nginx. In your current directory, you will now have a /proxy/conf.d directory, to create a redirect

    nano /proxy/conf.d/mastodon.conf

    Copy the contents of /nginx.conf in this repo to it, then change two occurences of in that file to whatever domain or subdomain you're using for your server. Save and exit.

  • We need to set some file permissions so mastodon can save media to disk. Get your mastodon container user id

    docker exec mastodon-web id -u mastodon

    this returns 991 for me. Then

    chdown 991 -R ./public

  • Restart everything

    docker-compose down
    docker-compose up -d

    All containers should start and stay up, and your should be able to access your instance in a browser. Note that Mastodon can take a few seconds to start. If you managed to get a password out of the wizard without it throwing a Redis error, you can log in with it and and set a real password. If not, you can request a password reset email and login that way.

  • Once in Mastodon, set your profile image under Preferences > Public Profile > Profile Image and ensure that it can save, if you get an error, you haven't set the permissions on the ./public directory properly.


There is a simple backup script in this repo, recreate it in your Mastodon directory and run with sh ./ This will create a file with today's date, containing your entire Postgres database, as well as everything in ./public, your .env.production, your compose file, and the script itself. This script will back your Mastodon up, but a zip archive isn't a full backup solution, you should write these zips somewhere safe, ideally on another machine. That part is up to you.


To restore,

  • create a new directory for your restored Mastodon instance

  • unzip

     unzip -d .
  • Repopulate your database - you need only the mastodon-db container up for this, copy /docker-compose-db.yml and to your directory then

     docker-compose -f docker-compose-db-yml up -d

    Then run

     sh ./

    Take down the container

    docker-compose -f docker-compose-db-yml down

    Then restart everthing

    docker-compose up -d

    And your instance should be up and ready.


Guide for setting up mastodon in docker







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