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Node service running on the remote machine helps you to run ci/cd command from your local machine.



Github actions, Jenkins all those ci/cd tools are very great and production-ready, but as a small individual project builder using those solutions requires a lot of configuration and is not much convenient to use.


The p2p-deploy runs a server application on your server and listens for any ci/cd commands requested from the client. The connection between client and server is p2p and secured with strong password encryption. Its displays the output of the commands in realtime on your local machine.


$ npm i -g p2p-deploy


pm2: For continuous running the service, you can use nohup or create a service file too.

Command line usage


Generate the key for a secured connection
$ sudo p2p-deploy keygen

sudo is required for writing on a file.

Start the server application
$ p2p-deploy start

Client (on your local computer)

On the repro path run
p2p-deploy setup

It will ask host url and access key where the server application is running. It will generate 'p2pd.config.js' file. Modify its content as you need.

To run the commands on server
p2p-deploy deploy

See all the commands

p2p-deploy help

How to Use Detail Instructions

Step 1: Install the application on the remote machine

Step 2: Generate an access key. Run 'sudo p2p-deploy keygen' , note the key, its required in step 5

Step 3: Run 'p2p-deploy start' it will start the service on port 7861, you need to open that port

Step 3.1: (Optional) run 'curl http://severip:port' that will give a connection error if something went wrong else will say 'Hello from p2p deploy service!'

Step 4: Install it in your local machine, recommended installing as global dependency

Step 5: Run 'p2p-deploy setup' on local machine (on the repro path) that will ask you an access key and generate 'p2pd.config.js' file. Modify its content as you need.(like change server IP, and port, commands, base directory)

Step 6: Run 'p2p-deploy deploy' to deploy the updates.

Step 7: Run 'p2p-deploy help' to know more commands.


cd and sudo command is not allowed for security reasons.


  1. Clone the repro in the base path file on the server first time
  2. Keep logged in in git (so that it didn't ask for a password when running git pull if you use git commands)
  3. Install pm2 on your system


Don't make your access key public as that is used to generate secure encrypted message that is decoded by server to run Add the '*.key' file in your gitignore


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