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Simple architecture for Xamarin forms

Here I demonstration a simle architecture which automatically guide you to write loosely coupled and more maintainable code using Xamarin forms.

Project Architecture Diagram

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Core Project (HackerNewsClient.Core)

All of other projects like as HackerNewsClient, HackerNewsClient.Repository, HackerNewsClient.Service etc are refer on this project. All kind of share code or classes like as Interface, Models, Constants etc are goes here. I create several directory for organize code.

  • Classes directory is used for Utility, Constants and more.
  • Interface directory is used for Interfaces
  • Models directory is used for Models, ViewModels

NOTE: You can create more directory here as much as you need.

Repository Project (HackerNewsClient.Repository)

All kind of database related code are goes here. You have to create repository for each table of database and all repository must be inherit from GenericRepository and you have to also create Interface at core project and implement here for each repository like as StoryRepository. I use Realm as a database and AutoMapper to copy data from DatabaseModel to Model automatically.

  • DbModels directory is use for database Models

Service Project (HackerNewsClient.Service)

All kind of business logic are goes here and also third party services are integate here. You have to create Interface for each service at core project and implement here. I implemented RestService class which will help you to call REST API.

  • AppServices directory is used for implement business logics.
  • CommonServices directory is used for integrate third party services.

Presentation Project (HackerNewsClient)

All UI realted code are goes here. You can create Views and other UI component here. I use Unity for dependency injection. All kind of initialization related code are goes at App.xaml.cs. Please App.xaml.cs for more clearance.

Platform Projects (HackerNewsClient.Android and HackerNewsClient.iOS)

If you need to implement any platform specific logic please implement here. Please check ITextToSpeech for more clearance.

  • PlatformService directory is used for implement platform specific service.

Technologies Are Used

  • Xamarin Forms
  • Realm
  • Automapper

Design Patterns are used

  • MVVM
  • Repository patterns
  • Façade
  • Nunit








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