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Siddhant Vinchurkar edited this page Sep 6, 2018 · 9 revisions

Omega ClassroomsOmega Wiki

Welcome to the Omega wiki!

We're building this collaborative classroom platform for students and faculty of the Computer Science Department, St. Joseph's College (Autonomous), Bengaluru. It is however, an open source project with an MIT License. So feel free to use it in any way you like.


With the world being digitised at a fast pace, and with the aim to reduce the use of paper most colleges and universities now are adopting the use of online methods for submission. However, submitting assignments and sharing course resources online are sometimes a bit complicated because of a vast number of tools and ways available online. When there is no standard protocol and place available to submit assignments it becomes convoluted and cluttered for the evaluators and the students. Our project, Omega aims to solve this issue be making available a standard way of completing and submitting assignments and sharing of course materials.

Study of existing system

Currently, there are no existing system in place for the CS department of St. Joseph’s College. Currently all of the assignments are paper based which at times is cumbersome for students to finish them up and impossible to add more content with multimedia support in paper based assignments. Evaluating those assignments is also a very tedious task for the evaluators to accomplish within a given time constraint. Though the college has the option to revamp the correction system to paper based OMR sheets, but they still lack the ability to support assignments with multimedia. One of the biggest drawbacks of paper based assignments is that the evaluators would not be able to check for plagiarised content which is a pretty widespread trend in colleges and universities. Students when faced with numerous assignments due within a given time frame loose track of time and tend to default the due date just because they had assignments from different teachers overlapping.

Study of Proposed System

Our project Omega aims to provide a platform to solve the problems mentioned above. It is a platform where students can complete the assignments online and submit them on our app. The app would be able to display the due dates for all the assignments, instructions about how the assignment has to be done and class comments. This would serve as an organiser where the students can track their progress, check due dates and also be able to view their grades once returned by the teacher after being graded. The students would be able to have a standard way and a single destination where they can get their course work done. In addition they would not have to look around for course materials because it would be shared with them on out app. The app would also be able to include plagiarism check and many other features as a future upgrade. Omega solves the teachers problems by allowing them to conduct test online and grading those assignments could be done by a program and display a grade sheet which would make the task of the teachers much easier. The inclusion of plagiarism check as a future upgrade would help the teachers to bring the hammer down on plagiarised assignments. It would also help them to manage assignment grading in a much efficient and modular way.

System Requirements

Since Omega is a progressive web app it will work on any device which supports a web browser. It does not require any program to be installed locally on the users system.

The road map so far

To be concise, there's going to be three sections

Each section will consist of multiple pages, each designated for a specific feature.

Every section is penned independently by different authors

Section Author
Sign up / Sign in Siddhant Vinchurkar
Student's dashboard Nikhil Sujith
Teacher's dashboard Shreyas Harle

Every action involving the use of our database will be written in php and stored in the actions/ directory. The rest of the project shall be a progressive web app that will use JavaScript to make GET and POST requests to the service.

The front end will be built using Alvin Wang (Dogfalo)'s CSS framework called Materialize which is based on material design principles.

The backend shall use a LAMP(Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack running on an AWS EC2 instance.

Continuous Integration (CI) on our server will ensure every commit made to the master branch in this repository is automatically deployed and made available world wide.

If you're interested, you can track this repository's statistical data.

Future Enhancements

In the future we plan to include many other features which would improve the robustness of the app so that It can replace the current college website which has information in bits and pieces. Some of the planned future enhancements are

  • Plagiarism checker
  • Expanding Omega to include specific requirements of other departments.
  • Real time notifications on the users phone
  • A live virtual boards which would allow the instructor to be able to explain certain concepts which requires writing to be able broadcast a class board and the students would be able to view them remotely.
  • Real time notifications from the college.
  • Integrating college attendance.

A copy of this documentation can also be found here.

Developed by Siddhant Vinchurkar, Nikhil Sujith and Shreyas Harle.

Omega Classrooms


Omega is a collaborative classroom platform for teachers and students alike.

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