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Using Row Operations
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The row operations that I implemented earlier can now be put to use - namely for making a particular element in a matrix zero 'MakeElementZero' takes a matrix M, a row A, a row B, a position P in the row, and does a row operation to make M[A][P] equal to zero. 'MakeColumnZero' takes a matrix M, a specified column, and calls MakeElementZero to insert zeros appropriately (into upper triangular form). The next step here is to recursively use MakeColumnZero to make a matrix upper triangular (good for finding the determinant and solving linear equations/inverting).

-- Abishek (AR-MA210)
  • Loading branch information
AR-MA210 committed Feb 12, 2019
1 parent f3b4716 commit 1adc1e6
Showing 1 changed file with 55 additions and 8 deletions.
63 changes: 55 additions & 8 deletions Code/LinearAlgebra.idr
@@ -1,24 +1,35 @@
module LinearAlgebra

%access public export

import BaseN
import MultiSolver
import MatrixNumeric
import Linear.MultiSolver
import Data.Matrix.Numeric
import Data.Vect
import Data.Fin
import Matrix
import Merge
import Data.Matrix
import ZZ
import Rationals_2
import Rationals

%access public export

-- Some auxillary functions for elementary operations

SimpleCast: (v1:(Vect (k+ (S Z)) elem)) ->( Vect (S k) elem) -- necessary for type matching
FST: ZZPair -> ZZ --some issue with fst
FST (a, b) = a

Pred: Nat -> Nat -- needed to get (n-1) for number of operations
Pred Z = Z
Pred (S k) = k

SimpleCast: (v1:(Vect (k+ (S Z)) elem)) ->( Vect (S k) elem) -- necessary for type matching, taken from Shafil's code
SimpleCast {k} v1 = (Vecttake (S k) v1)

RowN: Matrix n n ZZPair -> (k: Nat) -> Vect n ZZPair -- returns the nth row (indexing from 0)
RowN {n} x k = Data.Vect.index (tofinNat k n) x

ij: Matrix n n ZZPair -> (i: Nat) -> (j: Nat) -> ZZPair
ij {n} x i j = Data.Vect.index (tofinNat j n) (RowN x i)

ColumnN: Matrix n n ZZPair -> (k: Nat) -> Vect n ZZPair --returns the nth column (indexing from 0)
ColumnN {n} x k = Data.Vect.index (tofinNat k n) (transpose x)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -53,7 +64,43 @@ First_k_rows_from_RowP n x p (S k) = SimpleCast ((First_k_rows_from_RowP n x p k
SwapRows: (n: Nat) -> Matrix n n ZZPair -> (a: Nat) -> (b: Nat) -> Matrix n n ZZPair
SwapRows n x a b = replaceAt (tofinNat b n) (RowN x a) (replaceAt (tofinNat a n) (RowN x b) (x))

-- Performs an elementary row operation, subtracts from ROW A the ROW B scaled by C (A -> A - C*B)
-- Performs an elementary row operation, subtracts from row a the row b scaled by c

RowOperation: (n: Nat) -> Matrix n n ZZPair -> (a: Nat) -> (b: Nat) -> (c: ZZPair) -> Matrix n n ZZPair
RowOperation n x a b c = replaceAt (tofinNat a n) (axpy n (RowN x a) (RowN x b) c) (x)

-- Makes the kth number in Row A zero by subtracting a scaling of Row B (for upper triangularizing)
-- As usual, indexing starts from 0

MakeElementZero: (n: Nat) -> (x: Matrix n n ZZPair) -> (row_a : Nat) -> (row_b : Nat) -> (pos : Nat) -> Matrix n n ZZPair
MakeElementZero n x row_a row_b pos = case (FST(ij x row_a pos)) of
(Pos Z) => x
(Pos (S k)) => case ((fst (ij x row_b pos))) of
(Pos Z) => (SwapRows n x row_a row_b)
(Pos (S k)) => (RowOperation n x row_a row_b (divZZ (ij x row_a pos) (ij x row_b pos)) )
(NegS k) => (RowOperation n x row_a row_b (divZZ (ij x row_a pos) (ij x row_b pos)) )
(NegS k) => case ((fst (ij x row_b pos))) of
(Pos Z) => (SwapRows n x row_a row_b)
(Pos (S k)) => (RowOperation n x row_a row_b (divZZ (ij x row_a pos) (ij x row_b pos)) )
(NegS k) => (RowOperation n x row_a row_b (divZZ (ij x row_a pos) (ij x row_b pos)) )

-- Explanation: We want to transform the element x[row_a][pos] into zero by a row operation. There are a few different cases
-- 1. If x[row_a][pos] is already zero, nothing needs to be done.
-- 2. If not, we scale row_b appropriately and do a row operation (A -> A - cB)
-- 3. If x[row_b][pos] is zero, however, no row operation will work. We simply swap the
-- row_a and row_b here; then, x[row_a][pos] will become zero.

-- This algorithm is important to make a matrix upper-triangular.

MakeColumnZero: (n: Nat) -> (x: Matrix n n ZZPair) -> (col : Nat) -> (iter : Nat) -> Matrix n n ZZPair
MakeColumnZero n x col Z = x
MakeColumnZero n x col (S k) = case (isLTE (S k) col) of
(Yes prf) => x
(No contra) => (MakeColumnZero n (MakeElementZero n x (S k) col col) col k)

-- This function turns a column into what it should be in upper-triangular form by adding in the necessary zeros.
-- iter is a variable to induct on (trick courtesy Sriram)
-- When using this, make sure to set "iter" as n-1 (1 less than the number of rows)

-- The next step here is to use the above function to make a matrix upper triangular. This can be
-- done by inducting on the number of columns.

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