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jmarkoff committed Oct 15, 2013
2 parents 64d725f + 13650ea commit ef05627
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Showing 180 changed files with 6,558 additions and 1,469 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions .gitignore
@@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
3 changes: 0 additions & 3 deletions .rvmrc

This file was deleted.

322 changes: 322 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -1,3 +1,325 @@

- Iterating over Sidekiq::Queue and Sidekiq::SortedSet will now work as
intended when jobs are deleted [#866, aackerman]
- A few more minor Web UI fixes [#1247]


- Fix several Web UI issues with the Bootstrap 3 upgrade.


- The Core Sidekiq actors are now monitored. If any crash, the
Sidekiq process logs the error and exits immediately. This is to
help prevent "stuck" Sidekiq processes which are running but don't
appear to be doing any work. [#1194]
- Sidekiq's testing behavior is now dynamic. You can choose between
`inline` and `fake` behavior in your tests. See
[Testing]( for detail. [#1193]
- The Retries table has a new column for the error message.
- The Web UI topbar now contains the status and live poll button.
- Orphaned worker records are now auto-vacuumed when you vist the
Workers page in the Web UI.
- Sidekiq.default\_worker\_options allows you to configure default
options for all Sidekiq worker types.

Sidekiq.default_worker_options = { 'queue' => 'default', 'backtrace' => true }
- Added two Sidekiq::Client class methods for compatibility with resque-scheduler:
`enqueue_to_in` and `enqueue_in` [#1212]
- Upgrade Web UI to Bootstrap 3.0. [#1211, jeffboek]


- Fix misc Web UI issues due to ERB conversion.
- Bump redis-namespace version due to security issue.


- Removed slim gem dependency, Web UI now uses ERB [Locke23rus, #1120]
- Fix more race conditions in Web UI actions
- Don't reset Job enqueued\_at when retrying
- Timestamp tooltips in the Web UI should use UTC
- Fix invalid usage of handle\_exception causing issues in Airbrake


- Make Sidekiq::Middleware::Chain Enumerable
- Make summary bar and graphs responsive [manishval, #1025]
- Adds a job status page for scheduled jobs [jonhyman]
- Handle race condition in retrying and deleting jobs in the Web UI
- The Web UI relative times are now i18n. [MadRabbit, #1088]
- Allow for default number of retry attempts to be set for
`Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::RetryJobs` middleware. [czarneckid] [#1091]

Sidekiq.configure_server do |config|
config.server_middleware do |chain|
chain.add Sidekiq::Middleware::Server::RetryJobs, :max_retries => 10


- Adding button to move scheduled job to main queue [guiceolin, #1020]
- fix i18n support resetting saved locale when job is retried [#1011]
- log rotation via USR2 now closes the old logger [#1008]
- Add ability to customize retry schedule, like so [jmazzi, #1027]

class MyWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_retry_in { |count| count * 2 }
- Redesign Worker#retries\_exhausted callback to use same form as above [jmazzi, #1030]

class MyWorker
include Sidekiq::Worker
sidekiq_retries_exhausted do |msg|
Rails.logger.error "Failed to process #{msg['class']} with args: #{msg['args']}"


- Fix error in previous release which crashed the Manager when a
Processor died.


- Revert back to Celluloid's TaskFiber for job processing which has proven to be more
stable than TaskThread. [#985]
- Avoid possible lockup during hard shutdown [#997]

At this point, if you are experiencing stability issues with Sidekiq in
Ruby 1.9, please try Ruby 2.0. It seems to be more stable.


- Relax slim version requirement to >= 1.1.0
- Refactor historical stats to use TTL, not explicit cleanup. [grosser, #971]


- Force Celluloid 0.14.1 as 0.14.0 has a serious bug. [#954]
- Scheduled and Retry jobs now use Sidekiq::Client to push
jobs onto the queue, so they use client middleware. [dimko, #948]
- Record the timestamp when jobs are enqueued. Add
Sidekiq::Job#enqueued\_at to query the time. [mariovisic, #944]
- Add Sidekiq::Queue#latency - calculates diff between now and
enqueued\_at for the oldest job in the queue.
- Add testing method `perform_one` that dequeues and performs a single job.
This is mainly to aid testing jobs that spawn other jobs. [fumin, #963]


- Upgrade to Celluloid 0.14, remove the use of Celluloid's thread
pool. This should halve the number of threads in each Sidekiq
process, thus requiring less resources. [#919]
- Abstract Celluloid usage to Sidekiq::Actor for testing purposes.
- Better handling for Redis downtime when fetching jobs and shutting
down, don't print exceptions every second and print success message
when Redis is back.
- Fix unclean shutdown leading to duplicate jobs [#897]
- Add Korean locale [#890]
- Upgrade test suite to Minitest 5
- Remove usage of `multi_json` as `json` is now robust on all platforms.


- Fix Web UI when used without Rails [#886]
- Add Sidekiq::Stats#reset [#349]
- Add Norwegian locale.
- Updates for the JA locale.


- Fix timeout warning.
- Add Dutch web UI locale.


- Upgrade to Celluloid 0.13. [#834]
- Remove **timeout** support from `sidekiq_options`. Ruby's timeout
is inherently unsafe in a multi-threaded application and was causing
stability problems for many. See
- Add Japanese locale for Web UI [#868]
- Fix a few issues with Web UI i18n.


- Remove need for the i18n gem. (brandonhilkert)
- Improve redis connection info logging on startup for debugging
purposes [#858]
- Revert sinatra/slim as runtime dependencies
- Add `find_job` method to sidekiq/api


- Refactor algorithm for putting scheduled jobs onto the queue [#843]
- Fix scheduler thread dying due to incorrect error handling [#839]
- Fix issue which left stale workers if Sidekiq wasn't shutdown while
quiet. [#840]
- I18n for web UI. Please submit translations of `web/locales/en.yml` for
your own language. [#811]
- 'sinatra', 'slim' and 'i18n' are now gem dependencies for Sidekiq.


- Update 'sidekiq/testing' to work with any Sidekiq::Client call. It
also serializes the arguments as using Redis would. [#713]
- Raise a Sidekiq::Shutdown error within workers which don't finish within the hard
timeout. This is to prevent unwanted database transaction commits. [#377]
- Lazy load Redis connection pool, you no longer need to specify
anything in Passenger or Unicorn's after_fork callback [#794]
- Add optional Worker#retries_exhausted hook after max retries failed. [jkassemi, #780]
- Fix bug in pagination link to last page [pitr, #774]
- Upstart scripts for multiple Sidekiq instances [dariocravero, #763]
- Use select via pipes instead of poll to catch signals [mrnugget, #761]


- I18n support! Sidekiq can optionally save and restore the Rails locale
so it will be properly set when your jobs execute. Just include
`require 'sidekiq/middleware/i18n'` in your sidekiq initializer. [#750]
- Fix bug which could lose messages when using namespaces and the message
needs to be requeued in Redis. [#744]
- Refactor Redis namespace support [#747]. The redis namespace can no longer be
passed via the config file, the only supported way is via Ruby in your

sidekiq_redis = { :url => 'redis://localhost:3679', :namespace => 'foo' }
Sidekiq.configure_server { |config| config.redis = sidekiq_redis }
Sidekiq.configure_client { |config| config.redis = sidekiq_redis }

A warning is printed out to the log if a namespace is found in your sidekiq.yml.


- Capistrano no longer uses daemonization in order to work with JRuby [#719]
- Refactor signal handling to work on Ruby 2.0 [#728, #730]
- Fix dashboard refresh URL [#732]


- Fixed daemonization, was broken by some internal refactoring in 2.7.3 [#727]


- Real-time dashboard is now the default web page
- Make config file optional for capistrano
- Fix Retry All button in the Web UI


- Remove gem signing infrastructure. It was causing Sidekiq to break
when used via git in Bundler. This is why we can't have nice things. [#688]


- Fix issue with hard shutdown [#680]


- Add -d daemonize flag, capistrano recipe has been updated to use it [#662]
- Support profiling via `ruby-prof` with -p. When Sidekiq is stopped
via Ctrl-C, it will output `profile.html`. You must add `gem 'ruby-prof'` to your Gemfile for it to work.
- Dynamically update Redis stats on dashboard [brandonhilkert]
- Add Sidekiq::Workers API giving programmatic access to the current
set of active workers.

workers =
workers.size => 2
workers.each do |name, work|
# name is a unique identifier per Processor instance
# work is a Hash which looks like:
# { 'queue' => name, 'run_at' => timestamp, 'payload' => msg }

- Allow environment-specific sections within the config file which
override the global values [dtaniwaki, #630]

:concurrency: 50
:verbose: false
:verbose: true
:concurrency: 5


- Several reliability fixes for job requeueing upon termination [apinstein, #622, #624]
- Fix typo in capistrano recipe
- Add `retry_queue` option so retries can be given lower priority [ryanlower, #620]

sidekiq_options queue: 'high', retry_queue: 'low'


- Fix crash upon empty queue [#612]


- sidekiqctl exits with non-zero exit code upon error [jmazzi]
- better argument validation in Sidekiq::Client [karlfreeman]


- Add Dashboard beacon indicating when stats are updated. [brandonhilkert, #606]
- Revert issue with capistrano restart. [#598]


Expand Down
29 changes: 29 additions & 0 deletions
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
# Contributing

First of all, thank you for even opening this file up! I hope you find
it worthwhile to help out with Sidekiq.

## Issues

When opening an issue, please include a **backtrace** with your error.

## Code

If you're interested in helping or contributing to Sidekiq, here's
some known areas which need improvement:

* The Web UI and website could always use more polish. If you have an eye for design and an idea for improvement, please open an issue and let us know.
* The Sidekiq API has a serious issue: deleting elements and iterating
at the same time is broken, see #866, #1060.
* Make normal testing and inline testing dynamic: #1053
* Your brilliant idea which I haven't listed!

It's always best to open an issue before investing a lot of time into a
fix or new functionality. Functionality must meet my design goals and
vision for the project to be accepted; I would be happy to discuss how
your idea can best fit into Sidekiq.

## Sponsorship

If you've got more money than time and want to sponsor Sidekiq's continued support, your company can buy [Sidekiq Pro]( You get great functionality, I continue to fix bugs and enhance Sidekiq for years to come.
15 changes: 1 addition & 14 deletions Gemfile
@@ -1,15 +1,2 @@
source ''
source ''

gem 'celluloid', "~> 0.12.0"
gem 'slim'
gem 'sqlite3', :platform => :mri

group :test do
gem 'simplecov', :require => false

group :development do
gem 'pry', :platform => :mri
gem 'shotgun'

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