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Unified Auctions UI

Development Setup

  1. Install minimum node and npm version (see package.json engine section)
  2. Provide correct env variables by creating frontend/.env file
  3. Install dependencies via npm install
  4. Run the application in development mode via npm run dev
  5. Configure formatting and linting setup

Other available commands

# build for production and launch server
$ npm run build
$ npm run start

# generate static project
$ npm run generate

# for component development
$ npm run storybook

# to run jest tests
$ npm run test

Environment variables

  • RPC_URL: (required) Etherium RPC url used for fetching data from the blockchain
    • In case infura url is used, we automatically add list of default networks
  • DEMO_MODE: (optional) When set to true the page will only show a "Coming soon" screen. Can be used for production while the page is not ready yet.
  • PRODUCTION_DOMAIN: (optional) Required in order to enable statistics. In addition to adding it here, the domain (e.g. should also be registered within plausible dashboard.
  • CONTACT_EMAIL: (optional) Required in order to display contact link in the footer. This email should be able to accept and manage bug reports and other contact requests.
  • STAGING_BANNER_URL: (optional) When set a banner will be displayed, warning the user that they are using a staging version. The text will use STAGING_BANNER_URL as a link to production UI.
  • PRODUCTION_BANNER_URL: (optional) When set a banner will be displayed, notifying the user that they can also use an electron app. The text will use PRODUCTION_BANNER_URL as a link the electron app.
  • MAX_PRIORITY_FEE_PER_GAS_WEI: (optional, default can be found in core/src/gas.ts) – EIP-1559 max_priority_fee_per_gas value
  • HEAPIO_ID: (optional) HeapIO analytics Project's Environment ID. Required for tracking analytics.
  • FRONTEND_ORIGIN: (optional, default empty) – public url of the frontend, eg Used to correctly specify open graph meta tags
  • ENABLE_FILE_PROTOCOL: (optional, default false) – By setting this variable to true, npm run generate will set vue router mode to hash and produce html that can be opened without http server, via file:// protocol