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#Learning AngularJS This is a project given to me by my FOSS Club mentors. The purpose of this project was to introduce us to AngularJS as well as to language learning in general. This was done by creating a working shopping cart which allows pre-registered users to login, add items to cart and perform checkout operations. None of these functionalities are available on my website ( using AngularJS, but the login page is executable using JavaScript. All files created as preparation and part of this project have been included in the repository - .

##Components The website is majorly divided into 4 parts - the Homepage, the Login page, the Products page and the Checkout page.

##The Homepage This page is a basic introduction to the website. It holds the links to other pages.

##The Login Page This page was supposed to login users after matching their credentials from a saved JSON file. However, this functionality could not work because of incomplete knowledge of AngularJS syntax. It is working with JavaScript with function


in the repository.

##The Products Page This page displays all the products available on the website and allows the user to add them to the cart. The functionality of adding products to the cart does not work.

##The Checkout Page The purpose of this page was supposed to be to display the items added by the users to the cart and allow them to perform checkout operations. However, this page has not been designed and does not work.

##Built With

##Further Development The final and complete version of this project will be completed by me soon. The reason why I am concluding it right now is that I do not have the syntax, and more importantly, the basics of AngularJS clear. Also, I believe I need to understand JavaScript as a whole a bit more deeply. For these purposes, I will first complete the CS50x course which was given to all first years earlier.

##Author Sidhant Gupta -

##Acknowledgements I would like thank all the seniors for showing constant concern and guidance during the course of this project. I would also like to thank Tony etta for inculcating the habit of daily status updates as they serve as an effective log of my efficiency (or the lack of it).

##Contact All criticism and suggestions with regard to this project and its documentation are welcome.