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Antonio Robson de Paula edited this page Apr 26, 2021 · 2 revisions

Kishell's wiki homepage

  1. About
  2. Getting involved


When working on multiple projects you might end-up having to examine logs on several sources, such as multiple Kibana servers. This process might be tedious when using the graphical interface and there are many reasons to leverage the benefits of using the command line. In order to allow retrieving ElasticSearch data from the command line without the need for Kibana, kishell interacts with the ElasticSearch using REST APIs.

Kishell conveniently allows you to configure multiple servers and roles and send your search queries retrieving the results on the terminal enhancing your productivity by allowing you to pipe it’s results to other terminal tools.

Getting involved

Check the issues section for good first issues and submit your PR to the maintainers.

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