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Sigasi Documentation source

This repository contains the source of the Sigasi documentation. You can find the rendered version at

Building locally

To work locally on this project, you'll have to follow the steps below:

  1. Fork, clone or download this project
  2. Make sure to initialize the git submodules: git submodule update --init --recursive
  3. Install Hugo
  4. Preview your project: hugo server
  5. Add content
  6. Generate the website: hugo (optional)


We are using markdown with Hugo. Note that comments in content pages are not stripped.

  • Install: Hugo - this site requires the extended edition
  • Build: hugo
  • Test: hugo server --buildFuture --buildDrafts --navigateToChanged to start serving pages locally. The url will be printed in the hugo output.
    • Use the -F (or --buildFuture) option to show posts with dates in the future.
    • Use the -D (or --buildDrafts) option to show posts with draft status.
    • Use --navigateToChanged to navigate to changed content file on live browser reload
  • Tools:
    • Enable shell autocompletion: sudo hugo gen autocomplete
  • Create content based on archetypes:
    • New release notes: hugo new content/releasenotes/
    • New tech article: hugo new content/tech/

Markdown authoring

To improve the consistency of the Markdown files, it's recommended to use a Markdown linter. Configuration for the markdownlint VS Code extension is added to this repository.


  • External link: [text](
  • Internal link: [text]({{< ref "/manual/demo" >}})
    • title as text: {{< page "manual/demo" >}}
  • Link with link text: <>
  • Link with reference:
   text [reference] text


  • Use dashes as separator. E.g.: and not


  • Images are stored in an img folder (e.g. /img/opinion/..., /img/tech/..., ...)
  • Image file names must be lower case


  • Images can be aligned by using the figure shortcode with class argument, e.g. {{< figure src="/img/xxx" alt="alt text" class="uk-align-right" >}}
  • When adding a link to a figure, it becomes clickable. When the link is an image (e.g. same as the src), a lightbox is used to show the image.

Code snippets


  • You can specify the language of code blocks by appending the language to the first three back ticks: e.g.
entity example is
    clk : in std_logic
end entity;

Higlighting lines

Want to highlight a line in a code fence? Use {hl_lines=[N]} to highlight line N of the code block.


An example text
where the 3rd line
is completely highlighted
using {hl_lines=[3]}
if you use this with Hugo

Higlighting code

Syntax highlighting is configured as follows:

  • Added 2 config settings to config.toml
    • to allow code blocks like above automatically be highlighted: pygmentsCodeFences = "true"
    • to use a separate css file: pygmentsUseClasses = "true"
  • Included a new css file syntax.css in layouts/_default/baseof.html which is generated using the command hugo gen chromastyles --style=monokailight > assets/sass/syntax.css
  • In case you want to change the style, different styles are available, check
  • More Hugo documentation on highlighting:


This website is using Pagefind to index the site at build time. The CI system needs to run npx -y pagefind --site "public" and references to generated index files are present in the theme.