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Ludovic-Lesur edited this page Apr 30, 2024 · 2 revisions

Library layers

The Sigfox End-Point Library has 3 mains layers:

  • The user API which exposes the top level interface to send messages over Sigfox network. It is driven by the customer application.
  • The core files of the library. For a standard use it is recommended not to modify these files. You can however make changes if you need a specific feature which is not available in the high level APIs (operational and test). Moreover, do not hesitate to use the Sigfox 0G technology discussion space if you find any bug or want to share a common interest improvement.
  • The manufacturer API (MCU and RF), which has to be implemented to run on your specific hardware. Regarding the radio implementation (RF_API) you will find in other repositories some examples on compatible chipsets.

Source code structure

The source code is organized as follow.


Only the inc folder must be linked to your project (the manuf and core subpaths are already written in the include directives).