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USB Camera Device Service


EdgeX device service for communicating with USB cameras attached to Linux OS platforms. This service provides the following capabilities:

  • Camera metadata
  • Camera status
  • Video stream reference

Tested Devices

The following devices have been tested with EdgeX:

  • HP Web Cam w200
  • Logitech C270 HD Webcam
  • Jinpei JW-01B USB FHD Web Computer Camera

How does the device service work?

  • The device service ONLY works on Linux system.
  • The device service uses V4L2 API to get camera metadata.
  • The device service uses FFmpeg framework to capture video frames and stream them to an RTSP server.
  • An RTSP server is embedded in the dockerized device service.

General Usage

Build the executable file

make build

Build docker image

make docker

Define the device profile

Each device resource should have a mandatory attribute named command to indicate what action the device service should take for it.

There are two types of command:

  • The commands start with VIDIOC_ prefix are used to get camera metadata.

For example:

  - name: "CameraInfo"
    description: >-
      Camera information including driver name, device name, bus info, and capabilities.
      { command: "VIDIOC_QUERYCAP" }
      valueType: "Object"
      readWrite: "R"
  • The commands start with EDGEX_ prefix are related to video stream.

For example:

  - name: "StreamURI"
    description: "Get video-streaming URI."
      { command: "EDGEX_STREAM_URI" }
      valueType: "String"
      readWrite: "R"

For all supported commands, refer to the sample at cmd/res/profiles/

*Note: In general, this sample should be applicable to all types of USB cameras. You don't need to define device profile yourself unless you want to modify resource names or set default values for [video options](#Video options).

Define the device

The device's protocol properties contain:

  • Path is a file descriptor of camera created by OS. You can find the path of the connected USB camera through v4l2-ctl utility.
  • AutoStreaming indicates whether the device service should automatically start video streaming for cameras. Default value is false.

For example:

  Name = "hp-w200-01"
  ProfileName = "USB-Camera-General"
  Description = "HP Webcam w200 - 01"
  Labels = [ "device-usb-camera-example" ]
    Path = "/dev/video0"
    AutoStreaming = "false"

See the sample at cmd/res/devices/hp.w200.toml

*Note: When a new device is created in Core Metadata, an callback function of the device service will be called to add the device card name and serial number to protocol properties for identification purposes. These two pieces of information are obtained through V4L2 API and udev utility.

Advanced topics

Video options

There are two types of options:

  • The options start with Input prefix are used for the camera, such as specifying the image size and pixel format.
  • The options start with Output prefix are used for the output video, such as specifying aspect ratio and quality.

These options can be passed in through Object value when calling StartStreaming.

For example:

curl -X PUT -d '{
    "StartStreaming": {
      "InputFrameSize": "640x480",
      "OutputVideoQuality": "5"
}' http://localhost:59882/api/v2/device/name/hp-w200-01/StartStreaming

Supported Input options:

  • InputFps: Ignore original timestamps and instead generate timestamps assuming constant frame rate fps. (default - same as source)
  • InputImageSize: Specifies the image size of the camera. The format is wxh, for example "640x480". (default - automatically selected by FFmpeg)
  • InputPixelFormat: Set the preferred pixel format (for raw video). (default - automatically selected by FFmpeg)

Supported Output options:

  • OutputFrames: Set the number of video frames to output. (default - no limitation on frames)
  • OutputFps: Duplicate or drop input frames to achieve constant output frame rate fps. (default - same as InputFps)
  • OutputImageSize: Performs image rescaling. The format is wxh, for example "640x480". (default - same as InputImageSize)
  • OutputAspect: Set the video display aspect ratio specified by aspect. For example "4:3", "16:9". (default - same as source)
  • OutputVideoCodec: Set the video codec. For example "mpeg4", "h264". (default - mpeg4)
  • OutputVideoQuality: Use fixed video quality level. Range is a integer number between 1 to 31, with 31 being the worst quality. (default - dynamically set by FFmpeg)

You can also set default values for these options by adding additional attributes to the device resource StartStreaming. The attribute name consists of a prefix "default" and the option name.

For example:

  - name: "StartStreaming"
   description: "Start streaming process."
     { command: "EDGEX_START_STREAMING",    
       defaultInputFrameSize: "320x240", 
       defaultOutputVideoQuality: "31" 
     valueType: "Object"
     readWrite: "W"

*Note: It's NOT recommended to set default video options in the cmd/res/profiles/ as they may not be supported by every camera.

Dynamic Discovery

The device service supports dynamic discovery. During dynamic discovery, the device service scans all connected USB devices and sends the discovered cameras to Core Metadata. The device name of the camera discovered by the device service is comprised of Card Name and Serial Number, and the characters colon, space and dot will be replaced with underscores as they are invalid characters for device names in EdgeX. Take the camera Logitech C270 as an example, its Card Name is "C270 HD WEBCAM" and the Serial Number is "B1CF0E50" hence the device name - "C270_HD_WEBCAM-B1CF0E50".

*Note: Card Name and Serial number are used by the device service to uniquely identify a camera, although those cheaply mass-produced cameras may have the same serial number.

Enable the Dynamic Discovery function

[Option 1] Enable from the configuration.toml

    Enabled = true
    Interval = "0"

[Option 2] Enable from the env


The interval is set to 0 by default, it means that do not run discovery automatically to save computing resources. To manually trigger a Dynamic Discovery, use this device service API. If you want the device service to run discovery periodically, use a valid value (ISO 8601) such as 30s as the interval.

Provision watcher example

curl -X POST \
-d '[
            "Path": "."
         "serviceName": "device-usb-camera",
         "profileName": "USB-Camera-General"
]' http://localhost:59881/api/v2/provisionwatcher

Keep the paths of existing camera up to date

The paths (/dev/video*) of the connected cameras may change whenever the cameras are re-connected or the system restarts. To ensure the paths of the existing cameras are up to date, the device service scans all the existing cameras to check whether their serial numbers match the connected cameras. If there is a mismatch between them, the device service will scan all paths to find the matching device and update the existing device with the correct path.

This check can also be triggered by using the Device Service API /refreshdevicepaths. For example:

curl -X POST http://localhost:59910/api/v2/refreshdevicepaths

It's recommended to trigger a check after re-plugging cameras.

Configurable RTSP server hostname and port

The hostname and port of the RTSP server to which the device service publishes video streams can be configured in the [Driver] section of the service configuration.

For example:

  RtspServerHostName = "localhost"
  RtspTcpPort = "8554"




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