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Grafana is an open-source data visualization and graph composer platform for numeric time-series data with Prometheus integration.

Image repository and tag


  • Kubernetes >= 1.26.0
  • Kustomize = v3.5.3


Fury distribution Grafana is deployed with the following configuration:

  • Replica number: 1
  • Anonymous authentication enabled
  • Admin role for unauthenticated users
  • Resource limits are 200m for CPU and 200Mi for memory
  • Listens on port 3000
  • Prometheus configured as the data source

Add new dashboards

Grafana will try to load automatically all the files inside configMaps that have the grafana-sighup-dashboard label from all namespaces.

To add a custom dashboard to Grafana, follow the next steps:

  1. Create a configMap that includes the dashboard definition json file (you can include more than one json per configMap)
  2. Add the grafana-sighup-dashboard label to the configMap, the value is not important.
  3. If you want to put the dashboard(s) in a specific Grafana folder, for example myfolder, add the following annotation to the configMap: grafana-folder: myfolder.

Look at the dashboards folder kustomization.yaml for some examples.

Add new datasource

Additionally, you can create a ConfigMap/Secret in your namespace with a datasource definition then labeling it with the label key grafana-sighup-datasource, the value of the label is up to you. Labeling it, the sidecar k8s-sidecar will take care of it and inject it into a shared volume and send an API reload signal to grafana itself.

Look at the datasources folder kustomization.yaml for an example.


You can deploy Grafana by running the following command:

kustomize build | kubectl apply -f -

Accessing Grafana UI

You can access Grafana Dashboard by port-forwarding on port 3000:

kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 3000:3000 --namespace monitoring

Grafana will be available on from your browser.

Adding/Removing Dashboards

To learn how to add or remove dashboards to Grafana please see the examples folder.


For license details please see LICENSE