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Release v2.1.0

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@SIGHUP-C-3PO SIGHUP-C-3PO released this 28 Mar 10:23
· 47 commits to main since this release

Monitoring Core Module Release 2.1.0

Welcome to the latest release of the monitoring core module of the Kubernetes Fury Distribution, maintained by team SIGHUP.

This update includes new versions of various components, such as Prometheus and Alertmanager, as well as bug fixes and changes, such as support for Kubernetes 1.25 and the introduction of a new package, Karma.

Component Images 🚢

Component Supported Version Previous Version
alertmanager v0.25.0 v0.24.0
blackbox-exporter v0.23.0 v0.21.0
grafana v9.3.2 v8.5.5
kube-rbac-proxy v0.14.0 v0.12.0
kube-state-metrics v2.8.0 v2.5.0
node-exporter v1.5.0 v1.3.1
prometheus-adapter v0.10.0 v0.9.1
prometheus-operator v0.62.0 v0.57.0
prometheus v2.41.0 v2.36.1
thanos v0.30.2 v0.24.0
x509-exporter v3.6.0 v3.2.0
karma v0.113 New package

Please refer the individual release notes to get a detailed info on the releases.

Update Guide 🦮


To upgrade this core module from v2.0.1 to v2.1.0, execute the following:

kustomize build <your-project-path> | kubectl apply -f -

Thanos Upgrade

⚠️ this will cause downtime in Thanos components, some metrics and alerts could be missed while performing the upgrade.

  • Since the release ships made changes in the architecture of Thanos, the upgrade process needs the deletion of all resources from the old version of the module.

To upgrade thanos core module from v0.24.0 to v0.30.2, execute the following:

  1. Delete the old deployment, for example if you were using thanos-with-store:
kustomize build katalog/thanos/thanos-with-store -n monitoring | kubectl delete -f -
  1. Add the right base to your kustomize, for example, Thanos using MinIO as storage and pointing to a single Prometheus:
   - "../../vendor/katalog/monitoring/thanos/thanos-minio/single"
  1. Finally, apply the new deployment
kustomize build . | kubectl apply -f - --server-side