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Mobidex Market Maker

This is a naive implementation of a market maker bot.

Quick Start

Get started using the Mobidex market maker:

1. Create a wallet

npm run cli -- ethereum create-wallet

2. Transfer assets

  1. Get your address: npm run cli -- ethereum get-addresses
  2. Transfer ETH, WETH, and any other asset you wish to make markets for.

3. Set allowances

Run the following for every token you wish to make markets for: npm run cli -- 0x set-proxy-allowance -n 1 -t <token address>.

4. Configure the market maker

  1. Create config.json at the root of the market maker directory.
  2. Copy src/config/config.json.template to config.json.
  3. Replace all <> with appropriate values.

5. Start market maker


Docker Setup

Follow steps 1 through 4 of quick start.

5. Build docker image

docker build -t mobidex-market-maker:latest .

6. Move config and wallet files to subdirectories

mkdir config
mkdir wallet
mv config.json config/
mv account.json wallet/

7. Run docker container

docker run --name mmm --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/wallet,target=/app/wallet --mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)"/config,target=/app/config --env CONFIG_FILE=/app/config/config.json --env WALLET_PATH=/app/wallet/account.json --env wallet__password=<password> mobidex-market-maker:latest
