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This project is to replay the record time series dataset and send to a new org.

From the flow chart above, this project has two phases.

  • Download data from servers and store them into the data directory.There are 2 kinds of data files: metadata json file and time series data json files.

  • Publish recorded data to new org.


Python command line tool and docker based data publish tool.

Python commandline tool

  • Please confirm your python path include the signalfx/dtools.
  • Please install python dependencies : pip install -r requirements.txt

Basic Usage

There are two basic usages for this tool: record data and publish data.

PYTHONPATH=../dtools ./replay-data -h

usage: replay-data [-h] {record,publish} ...

Tool for replay the time series data

positional arguments:
    record          record tool
    publish         publish tool

optional arguments:
  -h, --help        show this help message and exit

Record data

The record data tool can record data based on the configuration file and create a tar file named 'replay-data.tar.gz' in current directory. Here is the usage for record tool and description for configuration file.

PYTHONPATH=../dtools ./replay-data record -h

usage: replay-data record [-h] -f FILE

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  configuration file for recording data

If you want recording data, you just need to pass the configuration file.

Configuration file

Configuration json file for recording data.

  "api_server" : "",
  "record_token" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
  "query" : ["sf_metric:ui.signalboost.get.time AND sf_isActive:true",
             " AND sf_isActive:true"],

  "start_time" : "11.29.2015 08:00:00",
  "time_range": "hour",
  "data_file_interval" : 0.05,

  "data_directory" : "hour-data"
  • "api_server" : API server of signalfx.

  • "record_token" : Access token for api server

  • "query" : Query sentence array of metadata.

  • "ts_server" : Time seires data server.

  • "start_time" : Start time of recorded time series data [MM.DD.YYYY HH:MM:SS]

  • "time_range" : The duration you want to record the metrics for. To make metrics line up when replayed the possible values are 'week' 'day' or 'hour'.

  • "data_file_interval" : Hour interval for each data file.

  • "data_directory" : Directory to store recorded data.

Record data example usage

PYTHONPATH=../dtools ./replay-data record -f configuration-hour.json

Publish data

The publish data tool can replay the time series data by recorded data and configuration parameters. Here is the usage and description for every parameters.

PYTHONPATH=../dtools ./replay-data publish -h

usage: replay-data publish [-h] -d DIR -t TOKEN -i INGEST [-f FILE] [-v]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -d DIR, --dir DIR     recorded data directory
  -t TOKEN, --token TOKEN     api_token for publishing data
  -i INGEST, --ingest INGEST     ingest url for publishing data
  -f FILE, --file FILE  log file path
  -v, --verbose         verbose log file

Publish data example usage

PYTHONPATH=../dtools ./replay-data publish -d hour-data \
-t xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx -i \
-f /tmp/test.log -v

Docker based data publish tool


This image can publish recorded data from 'replay-data.tar.gz' in a complete containerized environment.


docker run -e api_token=API_TOKEN -e ingest_endpoint=INGEST_HOST \
-e log_file=LOG_FILE_PATH -e verbose=true docker image name

If you want use the docker publish tool, you should put the environment variables to docker instance. Here is the description for each environment variable.

Required parameters

  • "ingest_endpoint" : The ingest url of signalfx for publishing data.
  • "api_token" : API token of signalfx for publish data.

Optional parameters

  • "log_file" : Log file path.
  • "verbose" : Flag for verbose log file.(true or false)

Example Usage

docker build -t replaydemo .
docker run -it -e api_token=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx \
-e ingest_endpoint= \
-e log_file=/var/publish_data.log -e verbose=true replaydemo


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