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Update README & Other documentation (#153)
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* Closes #125: Update readme

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harryjph authored and blankey1337 committed May 31, 2019
1 parent 5b312be commit 665243e
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# Burstcoin Wallet
# Burstcoin Reference Software (Burstcoin Wallet)
[![Build Status](](
[![Get Support at](](

The world's first HDD-mined cryptocurrency using an energy efficient
and fair Proof-of-Capacity (PoC) consensus algorithm.

This wallet version is developed and maintained by the Burst Apps Team
(BAT) and supports a multitude of database backends. The two builtin
backends are:
This wallet version is developed and maintained by the Burst Apps Team (BAT). The two supported database servers are:

- MariaDB (recommended)
- H2 (embedded, easier install)

### Software Installation
## Network Features

- Proof of Capacity - ASIC proof / Energy efficient mining
- No ICO/Airdrops/Premine
- Turing-complete smart contracts, via [Automated Transactions (ATs)](
- Asset Exchange, Digital Goods Store, Crowdfunds (via ATs), and Alias system

#### Linux (Debian, Ubuntu)
## Network Specification

- fetch the newest release ZIP file
- 4 minute block time
- Total Supply: [2,158,812,800 BURST](
- Block reward starts at 10,000/block
- Block Reward Decreases at 5% each month

If running for the first time,
## BRS Features

- install Java
- install MariaDB
- run ``` help```
- probably you want to do ``` import mariadb```
- Decentralized Peer-to-Peer network with spam protection
- Built in Java - runs anywhere, from a Raspberry Pi to a Phone
- Fast sync with multithreaded CPU or, optionally, an OpenCL GPU
- HTTP and gRPC API for clients to interact with network

# Installation

if upgrading your wallet config from 1.3.6cg
## Prerequisites (All Platforms)

**NOTE: `` is now deprecated and will not be included with the next release.**

### Java 8 (Required)

You need Java 8 installed. To check if it is, run `java -version`. You should get an output similar to the following:

java version "1.8.0_181"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_181-b13)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.181-b13, mixed mode)
``` upgrade
will take the old ``/`` files and
create ``/``
files in the conf directory. This should give you a headstart with the
new option naming system.

#### Windows
The important part is that the Java version starts with `1.8` (Java 8)

###### MariaDb
If you do not have Java 8 installed, download it from [Oracle's Website](

In the conf directory, copy `` into a new file named ``.
### MariaDB (Optional)

Download and install MariaDB <>
[Download and install MariaDB](

The MariaDb installation will ask to setup a password for the root user.
Add this password to the `` file created above in the following section:
Add this password to the `` file you will create when installing BRS:


The MariaDB installation will also install HeidiSQL, a gui tool to administer MariaDb.
Use it to connect to the newly created mariaDb server and create a new DB called `burstwallet`.
## Installation

#### MacOS
You can manually install using the following steps, or by using the pre-packaged options below.

BRS can be installed using a [Homebrew]( [formula]( A short tutorial on how to install BRS using homebrew can be found at [](
### Manually installing - All Platforms

A number of other Hombrew formulas (written by [Nixops]( are also available for plotters and miners.
Grab the latest release (Or, if you prefer, compile yourself using the instructions below)

#### Other Unix-like systems
In the conf directory, copy `` into a new file named `` and modify this file to suit your needs (See "Configuration" section below)

Please install Java 8 (JRE 1.8) manually and run the wallet by using ``
You can get further information calling ` help`
To run BRS, run `java -jar burst.jar`. On MacOS and Windows this will create a tray icon to show that BRS is running. To disable this, instead run `java -jar burst.jar --headless`.

A good HowTo for running the wallet on a mac can be found here
### Installation Packages

#### Windows

##### Configure and Initialize MariaDB

The Debian and Ubuntu packages provide an automatic configuration of
your local mariadb server. If you can't use the packages, you have to
initialize your database with these statements:
[QBundle]( is a tool which will automatically download any required files and tools and manage BRS for you. This is recommended for users who do not want to learn how to setup BRS.

echo "CREATE DATABASE brs_master;
CREATE USER 'brs_user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'yourpassword';
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON brs_master.* TO 'brs_user'@'localhost';" | mysql -uroot
mysql -uroot brs_master < init-mysql.sql

##### Configure your Wallet
#### MacOS

Now you need to add the following stuff to your `conf/`:
BRS can be installed using a [Homebrew formula](

A number of other Homebrew formulas written by [Nixops]( are also available for plotters and miners.

### Docker
#### Linux

`latest` : Latest tag of the BRS with H2 database
`mariadb` : Latest tag of the BRS with MariaDB database
`2.2.6-h2`, `2.2-h2`, `2-h2` : Version 2.2.6 of the BRS with H2 database
`2.2.6-mariadb`, `2.2-mariadb`, `2-mariadb` : Version 2.2.6 of the BRS with MariaDB database
##### Debian

A `.deb` package is available [here](

**Note (H2 only):**
H2 dump username and password has been changed through updates. The current dump has the user 'sa' and password 'sa' which is used in the BRS 2.2.1 image. If you get username errors, please mount your custom config for your H2 file.
##### Docker

Old username and passwords:
[Docker repository](

- both empty
- burst - burst
`latest` : Latest tag of the BRS with H2 database
`mariadb` : Latest tag of the BRS with MariaDB database
`2-h2` / `2-mariadb` - Version 2.X.X (latest) with corresponding database
`2.3-h2` / `2.3-mariadb` - Version 2.3.X (latest) with corresponding database
`2.3.0-h2` / `2.3.0-mariadb` - Version 2.3.0 with corresponding database

##### MariaDB
Docker Compose for use with MariaDB database

version: '3'
Expand All @@ -127,6 +121,7 @@ services:
- 8123:8123
- 8125:8125
- 8121:8121
image: mariadb:10
Expand All @@ -137,59 +132,99 @@ services:
- ./burst_db:/var/lib/mysql

##### H2
Docker command for use with H2 database

docker run -p 8123:8123 -p 8125:8125 -v "$(pwd)"/burst_db:/db -d burstappsteam/burstcoin:2-h2
docker run -p 8123:8123 -p 8125:8125 -p 8121:8121 -v "$(pwd)"/burst_db:/db -d burstappsteam/burstcoin:2-h2

## Upgrading
## Configuration

Ensure the `burst-apps-team` github is in your list of remotes:
git remote -v
### Running on mainnet (unless you are developing or running on testnet, you will probably want this)

Now you need to add the following to your `conf/` (as a minimum):


If it's not, add it:
Once you have done this, look through the existing properties if there is anything you want to change.

### Testnet

Please see the [Wiki article]( for details on how to setup a testnet node.

### Private Chains

In order to run a private chain, you need the following properties:

DEV.DB.Url=(Your Database URL)
DEV.DB.Username=(Your Database Username)
DEV.DB.Password=(Your Database Password2)
API.Listen =
API.allowed = *
DEV.TestNet = yes
DEV.Offline = yes
DEV.digitalGoodsStore.startBlock = 0
DEV.automatedTransactions.startBlock = 0
DEV.atFixBlock2.startBlock = 0
DEV.atFixBlock3.startBlock = 0
DEV.atFixBlock4.startBlock = 0
DEV.preDymaxion.startBlock = 0
DEV.poc2.startBlock = 0
DEV.rewardRecipient.startBlock = 0
git remote add burst-apps-team

Optionally, if you want to be able to forge blocks faster, you can add the following properties:

DEV.mockMining = true
DEV.mockMining.deadline = 10

Replacing `X.X.X` with the latest tag, run these commands:
This will cause a block to be forged every 10 seconds. Note that P2P is disabled when running a private chain and is incompatible with mock mining.

# Building

## Building the latest stable release

Run these commands (`master` is always the latest stable release):

git fetch --all --tags --prune
git checkout origin/master
mvn package

Your packaged release will now be available in `dist/`

## Building the latest development version

Run these commands (`develop` is always the latest stable release):

git fetch --all --tags --prune
git checkout tags/X.X.X -b X.X.X
./ compile
git checkout origin/develop
mvn package

## Striking Features
Your packaged release will now be available in `dist/`.

- Proof of Capacity - ASIC proof / Energy efficient mining
- Fast sync. with multithread CPU or OpenCL/GPU (optional)
- Turing-complete smart contracts, via Automated Transactions (AT) <>
- Asset Exchange and Digital Goods Store
- Encrypted Messaging
- No ICO/Airdrops/Premine
**Please note that development builds will refuse to run outside of testnet or a private chain**

## Specification
# Developers

- 4 minute block time
- 2,158,812,800 coins total (see <>)
- Block reward starts at 10,000/block
- Block Reward Decreases at 5% each month
Main Developer: [Harry1453]( Donation address: [BURST-W5YR-ZZQC-KUBJ-G78KB](

For more information, see [Credits](doc/

## [Version History](doc/
# Further Documentation

## Tools
* [Version History](doc/

To improve scalability and performance, the core development team uses
<a href="">JProfiler</a>
as its preferred Java Profiler.
* [Credits](doc/

## [Known Issues](doc/
## [Development Info](doc/
## [Credits](doc/
## [References/Links](doc/
* [References/Links](doc/

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