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Environment Variables

sigoden edited this page Jun 24, 2024 · 14 revisions

AIChat supports the following environment variables:

  • HTTPS_RPOXY/ALL_PROXY: Specify a globally proxy server.
  • NO_COLOR: Disable the use of color.
  • EDITOR: Specify the default buffer editor.

  • {client}_API_KEY: Provide API keys for specific clients, e.g. OPENAI_API_KEY, GEMINI_API_KEY.
  • AICHAT_PLATFORM: Combined with {client}_API_KEY to run aichat without needing a configuration file.
  • AICHAT_LIGHT_THEME: Enable a light theme.
  • AICHAT_NO_DANGEROUSLY_FUNCTIONS: Set dangerously_functions_filter: null

  • AICHAT_CONFIG_DIR: Customize the location of the config dir. Defaults to <user_config_dir>/aichat.
  • AICHAT_CONFIG_FILE: Customize the location of the config.yaml file.
  • AICHAT_ROLES_FILE: Customize the location of the roles.yaml file.
  • AICHAT_MESSAGES_FILE: Customize the location of the file.
  • AICHAT_SESSIONS_DIR: Customize the location of the sessions dir.
  • AICHAT_RAGS_DIR: Customize the location of the rags dir.
  • AICHAT_FUNCTIONS_DIR: Customize the location of the functions dir.
  • AICHAT_AGENTS_FUNCTIONS_DIR: Customize the location of the functions/agents dir.
  • AICHAT_AGENTS_CONFIG_DIR: Customize the location of the agents dir.
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