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Elements for building concurrent and distributed data processing applications


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delta4j is a lightweight Java library designed to support the development of concurrent and distributed data processing applications. Focusing on performance and simplicity, delta4j includes a range of software elements such as Bloom Filters, optimized text processing structures, and various statistical distribution implementations. It is crafted to for minimal dependencies -- just SLF4J -- to make integrating it into existing projects as simple as possible.


  • Simple: A straightforward API for easy integration and usage.
  • Modern: Built with Java 11 and later versions in mind.
  • Lightweight: A small library with little overhead and minimal dependencies (just SLF4J).
  • Probabilistic Data Structures: High-cardinality probabilistic data structures designed for processing larger-than-memory datasets
  • Statistical Distributions: Implementations of common statistical distributions with Sketch support and tight integrations with Java functional programming constructs, e.g., Stream, Supplier, etc.
  • Optimized Text Processing: Handcrafted mutable, immutable, and unmodifiable text processing structures for efficient text manipulation.
  • Concurrency and Distribution: Concurrency is a primary concern, with all data structures supporting divide-and-conquer fitting for vertical scaling and optional serialization for horizontal scaling


  • core: The core module contains the core functionality of delta4j, including probabilistic data structures, statistical distributions, and text processing utilities.
  • jackson: The jackson module provides support for serializing and deserializing delta4j data structures using the Jackson JSON library.

Quick Start

This section provides a brief introduction to getting delta4j set up in your project.


Creating a bloom filter is easy! Simply provide the number of elements you expect to add to it, and the desired probability of false positives:

BloomFilter<String> bloomFilter=BloomFilter.of(1000, 0.001);
if(bloomFilter.mightContain("hello")) {
    // Always executes
if(bloomFilter.mightContain("world")) {
    // 99.9% chance this does not run

If you'd like to create a new BloomFilter and fit it to a large dataset, you can use streams to perform this operation either sequentially or in parallel. For example, the below code creates new BloomFilter from the lines of a (potentially very large) file.

long count;
try (Stream<String> lines=Files.lines(path)) {
    count = lines.count();
BloomFilter<String> bloomFilter;
try (Stream<String> lines=Files.lines(path)) {
    bloomFilter = lines.collect(BloomFilter.toBloomFilter(count, 0.001));


delta4j provides several commonly-used distributions along with methods to create them in parallel or distribution fashion. Each distribution will support the following features:

  • sample(Random): Returns a single sample from the distribution. The result type differs from one distribution type to another, but is always categorical (parameteric), continuous (double), or discrete (long).
  • Sketch: A sketch is a lightweight, mutable, and serializable object that can be used to fit a distribution incrementally in a divide-and-conquer fashion. Each distribution type (e.g., FancyDistribution) has an inner Sketch type (e.g., FancyDistribution.Sketch).
  • fit(Stream): Fits a distribution to a stream of data. This method is designed to be used in parallel or distributed fashion, depending on the stream provided.
  • toXxxDistribution(): Returns a Collector that can be used to fit a distribution to a stream of data. This method is designed to be used in parallel or distributed fashion, depending on the stream provided. Only defined for categorical distributions because the standard library does not define corresponding Collector types for DoubleStream and LongStream.
  • of(): Returns a distribution with the given parameters. When creating a distribution directly from parameters, this method is preferred (as opposed to using an explicit constructor) because some distributions may have special or common instances that are precomputed.

For example, here is how to use the GaussianDistribution class:

GaussianDistribution d=GaussianDistribution.of(0.0, 1.0);
double sample=gaussianDistribution.sample(ThreadLocalRandom.current());

Text Views

The StringView class is a lightweight, mutable, and serializable subclass of CharSequence that can be used to create substring views of a larger string without incurring the cost of copying the underlying character array. Both mutable (MutableStringView) and immutable (ImmutableStringView) version are provided. For example, this code uses StringView to create a map of all the unique one- to four-letter substrings in a stream of strings:

// Compute the frequency of all one- to four-letter substrings in a file
Map<CharSequence,Long> bpes=Files.lines(path).flatMap(line -> 
  IntStream.rangeClosed(1, 4)
    .filter(len -> len < line.length())
    .mapToObj(len -> 
      IntStream.range(0, line.length() - len)
        .mapToObj(i -> StringView.mutableOf(line, i, i+len))
    .collect(Collectors.groupingBy(Function.identity(), Collectors.counting()));

The CharArrayView class is a lightweight, mutable, and serializable subclass of CharSequence that can be used to create substring views of a larger character array without incurring the cost of copying the underlying character array. Both mutable (MutableCharArrayView) and immutable (ImmutableCharArrayView) version are provided. A similar example applies to CharArrayView.

Jackson Serialization

The delta4j-jackson module provides support for serializing and deserializing delta4j data structures using the Jackson JSON library. To use this module, add it to your POM file and register the module with your ObjectMapper instance:

ObjectMapper mapper=new ObjectMapper();
mapper.registerModule(new Delta4jModule());


To use delta4j in your project, add the following dependency to your pom.xml for Maven:



We welcome contributions! If you would like to help make delta4j better, please follow our contributing guidelines. You can submit bug reports, feature requests, and pull requests through our GitHub issue tracker.


delta4j is open-source software licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See the LICENSE file for more details


This library was originally designed as a set of Collector implementations to assist in parallel data processing using Java 8 streams. A delta always appears at the end of a large stream. Also, a " delta" is a small, incremental update to an existing dataset, and this library is designed not only to represent them efficiently, but also to process them at massive scale.