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matjung edited this page Sep 15, 2020 · 7 revisions

Short term mission

We build a customized html element named action-bar which will simulate the behavior and UI of a mobile devices action bar.


<html><head><meta charset="UTF-8"><title>Hello Android</title>
<script type='module' src='actionbar.js'></script></head>
<header><action-bar id='actionbar'></action-bar></header>

That will get displayed as

<nav id='action-bar-nav'><span id='action-bar-title'>Hello Android</span></nav>

The action-bar supports a few default icons and actions.

<action-bar id='actionbar' menu='h b t g s i ? o m'></action-bar> This will get displayed as

<nav id='action-bar-nav'>
<span id='action-bar-home' class='action-bar-item' title='Homepage'>🏠</span>
<span id='action-bar-back' class='action-bar-item' title='Backpage'>πŸ‘„</span>
<span id='action-bar-title' class='action-bar-item action-bar-title'>Hello Android</span>
<span id='action-bar-search' class='action-bar-item' title='Search'>πŸ”Ž</span>
<span id='action-bar-settings' class='action-bar-item' title='Settings'>βš™</span>
<span id='action-bar-info' class='action-bar-item' title='Info'>πŸ›ˆ</span>
<span id='action-bar-help' class='action-bar-item' title='Help'>❔</span>
<span id='action-bar-options' class='action-bar-item' title='Options'>┇</span>
<span id='action-bar-menu' class='action-bar-item' title='Menu'>☰</span>

Supported attributes

hints: hints='false' will prevent the title attributes from appearing.

title: title='My new title', instead of sourcing title from document.title it will come from the attribute.

onclick: TODO E.g. <action-bar id='actionbar' menu='h b t g s i ? o m' title='Hello Webbrowser' hints='false'></action-bar>

Overwrite default chars and title


onclick handler for action-bar click / hover events


Overwrite default chars and title