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Mojo unreleased changelog

This is a list of UNRELEASED changes for the Mojo language and tools.

When we cut a release, these notes move to and that's what we publish.

[//]: # Here's the template to use when starting a new batch of notes: [//]: ## UNRELEASED [//]: ### ⭐️ New [//]: ### 🦋 Changed [//]: ### ❌ Removed [//]: ### 🛠️ Fixed


⭐️ New

  • Now supports "conditional conformances" where some methods on a struct have additional trait requirements that the struct itself doesn't. This is expressed through an explicitly declared self type:

    struct GenericThing[Type: AnyType]:  # Works with anything
      # Sugar for 'fn normal_method[Type: AnyType](self: GenericThing[Type]):'
      fn normal_method(self): ...
      # Just redeclare the requirements with more specific types:
      fn needs_move[Type: Movable](self: GenericThing[Type], owned val: Type):
        var tmp = val^  # Ok to move 'val' since it is Movable
    fn usage_example():
      var a = GenericThing[Int]()
      a.normal_method() # Ok, Int conforms to AnyType
      a.needs_move(42)  # Ok, Int is movable
      var b = GenericThing[NonMovable]()
      b.normal_method() # Ok, NonMovable conforms to AnyType
        # error: argument type 'NonMovable' does not conform to trait 'Movable'
  • async functions now support memory-only results (like String, List, etc.) and raises. Accordingly, both Coroutine and RaisingCoroutine have been changed to accept AnyType instead of AnyTrivialRegType. This means the result types of async functions do not need to be Movable.

    async fn raise_or_string(c: Bool) raises -> String:
        if c:
            raise "whoops!"
        return "hello world!"

    Note that async functions do not yet support indirect calls, ref results, and constructors.

  • The Reference type (and many iterators) now use "inferred" parameters to represent the mutability of their lifetime, simplifying the interface.

  • Added new ExplicitlyCopyable trait, to mark types that can be copied explicitly, but which might not be implicitly copyable.

    This supports work to transition the standard library collection types away from implicit copyability, which can lead to unintended expensive copies.

  • Dict now supports popitem, which removes and returns the last item in the Dict. (PR #2701 by @jayzhan211)

  • Added unsafe_cstr_ptr() method to String and StringLiteral, that returns an UnsafePointer[C_char] for convenient interoperability with C APIs.

  • Added C_char type alias in sys.ffi.

  • Added TemporaryDirectory in module tempfile. (PR 2743 by @artemiogr97)

  • Added temporary SliceNew type with corrected behaviour from Slice to facilitate an incremental internal migration due to reliance on the old, incorrect behaviour. (PR #2894 by @bgreni)

  • Added String.format method. (PR #2771 by @rd4com)

    Support automatic and manual indexing of *args.


      String("{1} Welcome to {0} {1}").format("mojo", "🔥")
    # 🔥 Wecome to mojo 🔥
    print(String("{} {} {}").format(True, 1.125, 2))
    #True 1.125 2

🦋 Changed

  • await on a coroutine now consumes it. This strengthens the invariant that coroutines can only be awaited once.

  • Continued transition to UnsafePointer and unsigned byte type for strings:

    • String.unsafe_ptr() now returns an UnsafePointer[UInt8] (was UnsafePointer[Int8])
    • StringLiteral.unsafe_ptr() now returns an UnsafePointer[UInt8] (was UnsafePointer[Int8])
  • The StringRef constructors from DTypePointer.int8 have been changed to take a UnsafePointer[C_char], reflecting their use for compatibility with C APIs.

  • The global functions for working with UnsafePointer have transitioned to being methods through the use of conditional conformances:

    • destroy_pointee(p) => p.destroy_pointee()
    • move_from_pointee(p) => p.take_pointee()
    • initialize_pointee_move(p, value) => p.init_pointee_move(value)
    • initialize_pointee_copy(p, value) => p.init_pointee_copy(value)
    • move_pointee(src=p1, dst=p2) => p.move_pointee_into(p2)
  • DTypePointer.load/store/prefetch has been now moved to SIMD. Instead of using ptr.load[width=4](offset) one should use SIMD[size=4].load(ptr, offset). Note the default load width before was 1, but the default size of SIMD is the size of the SIMD type. The default store size is the size of the SIMD value to be stored.

❌ Removed

  • It is no longer possible to cast (implicitly or explicitly) from Reference to UnsafePointer. Instead of UnsafePointer(someRef) please use the UnsafePointer.address_of(someRef[]) which makes the code explicit that the UnsafePointer gets the address of what the reference points to.

  • Removed String.unsafe_uint8_ptr(). String.unsafe_ptr() now returns the same thing.

  • Removed StringLiteral.unsafe_uint8_ptr() and StringLiteral.as_uint8_ptr().

  • Removed UnsafePointer.offset(offset:Int).

🛠️ Fixed