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Squeeze Vid

Normalize videos and audio files to a standardized frame rate and quality to minimize the file size while maintaining adequate quality for video projection.

Property Default Video Tutorial Video
Height 720p 720p
Video bitrate 2 Mbps 500 kbps
Frame rate 25 fps 10 fps
Audio bitrate 128 kbps 128 kbps

Install snap package

$ snap install squeeze-vid


$ squeeze-vid --help
usage: -c [-h] [-a] [-c] [-i] [-k TRIM TRIM] [-m RATE_CONTROL_MODE] [-n] [-s SPEED] [-t] [-v] [-V] [--av1] [--video_encoder VIDEO_ENCODER] [file [file ...]]

Convert video file to MP4, ensuring baseline video quality:
  * Default:  720p, CRF=27 (H.264), 25 fps for projected video
  * Tutorial: Only use 10 fps for tutorial video

Also perform other useful operations on media files.

positional arguments:
  file                  space-separated list of media files to modify

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a, --audio           convert file(s) to MP3 audio
  -c, --command         print the equivalent ffmpeg bash command and exit
  -i, --info            show stream properties of given file (only 1 accepted)
  -k TRIM TRIM, --trim TRIM TRIM
                        trim the file to keep content between given timestamps (HH:MM:SS)
  -m RATE_CONTROL_MODE, --rate-control-mode RATE_CONTROL_MODE
                        specify the rate control mode [CRF]: CBR, CRF; if CBR is specified, the video bitrate is set to 2Mbps
  -n, --normalize       normalize video reslution, bitrate, and framerate; this is the default action if no options are given
  -s SPEED, --speed SPEED
                        change the playback speed of the video using the given factor (0.5 to 100)
  -t, --tutorial        use lower bitrate and fewer fps for short tutorial videos
  -v, --verbose         give verbose output
  -V, --version         show version number and exit
  --av1                 shortcut to use libsvtav1 video encoder
  --video_encoder VIDEO_ENCODER
                        specify video encoder [libx264]: libx264, libsvtav1, libvpx-vp9


Setting appropriate values for framerate, resolution, and video/audio bitrate

  • "HD" video has 2 resolutions: 720p and 1080p. (Note: 4K is actually "2160p".)
  • Framerates can vary from 24 fps (film) to 30 fps (common streaming) to 60 fps (fast-paced video) and higher.
  • Video bitrate can vary from 500 kbps to 8 Mbps or more.
  • Audio bitrate can vary from 96 kbps to over 1,400 kbps.

Resolution: 720p

Assuming mediocre projector quality and internet bandwidth, 720p video strikes a reasonable balance between picture size and file size.

Framerate: 25 fps

Assuming that most content consists of presentations with a slow pace, 25 fps seems to be a sufficient framerate.

Constant Rate Factor

Testing conversion quality with ffmpeg-quality-metrics has shown that CRF=27 is comparable in visual quality to 2 Mbps video bitrate while typically producing a smaller file size. So squeeze-vid has recently begun using CRF=27 as the default quality setting for H.264 encoded videos rather than setting a maximum/average bitrate. AV1 and VP9 encodings use a proportionally equivalent factor based on their own scales.

Video Bitrate: 2 Mbps

For 720p 30fps video, bitrate recommendations range from 500 Kbps to 4 Mbps. Personal experience has led to choosing a bitrate of 2 Mbps in an attempt to balance the tensions between filesize and perceived quality.

Audio Bitrate: 128 kbps

YouTube audio has chosen to stream AAC files at 126 kbps. At 128 kbps, one can expect to use about 1 MB of storage space for every 1 minute of audio. This seems like a reasonable value for our purposes.



Video icons created by Prashanth Rapolu 15 - Flaticon