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Filters text-based API responses (jokes, chatbots, quotes, etc) through a selection of translation and dialect filters, including pirate and braille.


MIT, MIT licenses found

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86 Commits


1   Matchmaker::Matchmaker.make_me_a_match  
2   find_me(a_find)  
3   catch_me(a_catch)  
4   Matchmaker::Matchmaker.look_through_your_book && 
5   make_me(a_perfect_match)  

    -inspired by "Matchmaker, Matchmaker" from Fiddler on the Roof, lyrics by Sheldon Harnick

Hi, I'm Matchmaker!

I exist to help APIs communicate, and to make it easier for you humans faciliating their conversations. I believe that by working together through open communication, humans and code can uplift each other. You can think of me as the Anti-Skynet.

I currently specialize in sending text-based API responses (jokes, chatbots, quotes, etc) through a selection of translation and dialect filters (including braille), but I would love to do more! There are all sorts of communications I could learn to interface with, so anytime you want to send information from one system to another, please think of me! I'm only limited by the dedication of the people who code me and use me.

Also: I am in no way associated with the musical "Fiddler on the Roof", its reference is only intended as affectionate parody. Another name considered for me was Shadchan

Also Also: The above codepoem is not a functional example of my code. That would just be silly. I can't see a good reason to expect someone to "catch me(a_catch)", that's exceedingly vague. My goal is to make communication easier, not hidden under a candy cloud of falderall and fluff.
(It is catchy, though).


Matchmaker CLI Walkthrough



  Stores the matchmaker object that handles the api interactions.


  Initiates the matchmaker and walks the user through their first match
  Then calls the options_menu for further actions


  Allows the user to select source and filter apis and manipulate the text
  (The meat-and-potatoes of the CLI, currently gives an error when processing certain forms of text)


  Displays the user welcome message
  I had a longer introduction here, but it was too wordy and was a distraction. 
  Additional messaging for the CLI can easily be added, or the code refactored to pull from a welcome file


  Displays matchmaker's current text


  Displays the currently available source APIS,
  and allows user to select the active API


  Displays the currently available source APIS,
  and allows user to select the active API
  There's mopre than enough code smell here to suggest it should be merged with select_source


  Grabs and displays fresh source text from matchmaker


  sends current text to Matchmaker's filter API and displays the response


  A simple method to as ka user for an integer within range.


  A simple method for pausing before a screen clear to display relevant data



  The currently active source API in the format ["NAME", "URL", "CODE"]
  e.g.: ["Official Joke API", '', "JOKE"]


  The currently active filter API in the format  ["NAME", "URL", "CODE"]
  e.g. ["Braille Translator", '', "BRAILLE"]


  The default source APIs, curently stored as an array
  Primate candidate for refactoring so it pulls data from a separate file
  Super plus good bonus evolution would allow it to integrate with the larger collection of APIs at 
  repositories like


  Same as sources, above, but with filter apis (APIS that can accept data and offer a response)


  Adds an API to matchmaker's sources array. Must be in the format ["NAME", "URL", "CODE"]
  e.g. Matchmaker::Matchmaker.add_source(["Official Joke API", '', "JOKE"])


  Adds an API to matchmaker's filters array. Must be in the format ["NAME", "URL", "CODE"]
  e.g. Matchmaker::Matchmaker.add_filter(["Braille Translator", '', "BRAILLE"])


  grabs new text from the source API
  e.g. Matchmaker::Matchmaker.fetch_me_a_text


  Sends current text to the filter API and updates the current text with the response


  Updates the current text and saves to text_history


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


Matchmaker is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in Matchmaker's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.

Ideas for expansion/integration:

Alexa Skill Kit
Chatbot to Chatbot conversations (Why: For SCIENCE!)
Sending SMS/Email messages
Facebook Messenger
Profanity Filter
AI Training
More languages Multi-stage filtering
Logic-driven filtering


Filters text-based API responses (jokes, chatbots, quotes, etc) through a selection of translation and dialect filters, including pirate and braille.




MIT, MIT licenses found

Licenses found


Code of conduct





No releases published
