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t_ohta committed Apr 9, 2010
1 parent 0cb79ad commit 2fcbcfc
Showing 1 changed file with 32 additions and 27 deletions.
59 changes: 32 additions & 27 deletions word-env.lisp
@@ -1,64 +1,69 @@
(defpackage extunk.word-env
(:use :common-lisp :extunk.environment)
(:import-from :common-utils read-file nlet a.when)
(:import-from :common-utils a.when)
(:nicknames wenv)
(:export calc))
(in-package :extunk.word-env)

(defconstant +WORD-MIN-LENGTH+ 2)
(defvar *freq-border* 10)

;; NOTE: always return a fixnum value
(defun overlap-length (string start1 start2)
(assert (/= start1 start2))
(- (mismatch string string :start1 start1 :start2 start2) start1))

(defun char-invalid-p (ch)
(case ch ((#\Space #\Return #\Newline #\Tab #\。 #\、 #\ ) t)))
(defun valid-word-char-p (ch)
(and (graphic-char-p ch)
(not (find ch "。、  "))))

(defun char-hiragana-p (ch)
(defun char-hiragana-p (ch)
(char<= #\ぁ ch #\ゖ))

(defun char-punctuation-p (ch)
(case ch ((#\。 #\、) t)))
(defun char-punctuation-p (ch)
(find ch "。、"))

(defun context-range (text start end from-end)
'#1=(position-if-not #'char-hiragana-p text :start start :end end :from-end from-end)
(if from-end
(values (1+ (or #1# (1- start))) end)
(values start (or #1# end))))

(defun right-context (text pos)
(when (< pos (length text))
(if (char-punctuation-p (char text pos))
(subseq text pos (1+ pos))
(let* ((end-limit (min (length text) (+ pos +CONTEXT-STRING-LENGTH-LIMIT+)))
(end (or (position-if-not #'char-hiragana-p text :start pos :end end-limit) end-limit)))
(when (> end pos)
(subseq text pos end))))))
(let ((start pos)
(end-limit (min (length text) (+ pos +CONTEXT-STRING-LENGTH-LIMIT+))))
(multiple-value-bind (start end) (context-range text start end-limit nil)
(when (< start end)
(subseq text start end)))))))

(defun left-context (text pos)
(when (plusp pos)
(if (char-punctuation-p (char text (1- pos)))
(subseq text (1- pos) pos)
(do ((i pos (1- i))
(border (max 0 (- pos +CONTEXT-STRING-LENGTH-LIMIT+))))
((or (= i border)
(not (char-hiragana-p (char text (1- i)))))
(when (< i pos)
(subseq text i pos)))))))

(defparameter *freq-border* 10)
(let ((start-limit (max 0 (- pos +CONTEXT-STRING-LENGTH-LIMIT+)))
(end pos))
(multiple-value-bind (start end) (context-range text start-limit end t)
(when (< start end)
(subseq text start end)))))))

(defun add-to-env (env-set text from-len to-len indices &aux (head (car indices)))
(when (< (length indices) *freq-border*)
(return-from add-to-env))

(loop FOR len FROM (max from-len +WORD-MIN-LENGTH+) TO to-len
FOR word = (subseq text head (+ head len))
WHEN (every #'valid-word-char-p word)
(unless (some #'char-invalid-p word)
(let ((env (if #1=(gethash word env-set) #1# (setf #1# (make-env word)))))
(dolist (index indices)
(a.when (left-context text index)
(incf (gethash it (env-left env) 0)))
(a.when (right-context text (+ index len))
(incf (gethash it (env-right env) 0))))))))
(let ((env (if #1=(gethash word env-set) #1# (setf #1# (make-env word)))))
(dolist (index indices)
(a.when (left-context text index)
(incf (gethash it (env-left env) 0)))
(a.when (right-context text (+ index len))
(incf (gethash it (env-right env) 0)))))))

;; まだバグがあるかも...
(defun calc (text &optional (env-set (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
(let ((indices (sort (loop FOR i FROM 0 BELOW (length text) COLLECT i)
(lambda (i j) (string> text text :start1 i :start2 j)))))
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