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Base image for simpleSAMLphp

Docker image: silintl/ssp-base

Prerequisite software

Docker and docker-compose must be installed.

Make is optional but simplifies the build process.

Vagrant for Windows users.


By default, configuration is read from environment variables. These are documented in the local.env.dist file. Optionally, you can define configuration in AWS AppConfig. To do this, set the following environment variables to point to the configuration in AWS:

  • AWS_REGION - the AWS region in use
  • APP_ID - the application ID or name
  • CONFIG_ID - the configuration profile ID or name
  • ENV_ID - the environment ID or name

In addition, the AWS API requires authentication. It is best to use an access role such as an ECS Task Role. If that is not an option, you can specify an access token using the AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY variables.

The content of the configuration profile takes the form of a typical .env file, using # for comments and = for variable assignment. Any variables read from AppConfig will overwrite variables set in the execution environment.

Local testing

  1. cp local.env.dist local.env within project root and make adjustments as needed.
  2. Add your github token to the COMPOSER_AUTH variable in the local.env file.
  3. make or docker-compose up -d within the project root.
  4. Visit http://localhost to see SSP running

Setup PhpStorm for remote debugging with Docker

  1. Make sure you're running PhpStorm 2016.3 or later
  2. Setup Docker server by going to Preferences (or Settings on Windows) -> Build, Execution, Deployment -> Click + to add a new server. Use settings:
  • Name it Docker
  • API URL should be tcp://localhost:2375
  • Certificates folder should be empty
  • Docker Compose executable should be full path to docker-compose script
  1. Hit Apply
  2. Next in Preferences -> Languages & Frameworks -> PHP click on the ... next to the CLI Interpreter and click + to add a new interpreter. Use settings:
  • Name: Remote PHP7
  • Remote: Docker
  • Server: chose the Docker server we added
  • Debugger extension: /usr/lib/php/20151012/
  1. Hit Apply and OK
  2. On PHP for Path mappings edit it so the project root folder maps to /data on remote server
  3. Hit Apply and OK
  4. Click on Run and then Edit Configurations
  5. Click on + and select PHP Web Application
  6. Name it Debug via Docker
  7. Click on ... next to Server and then + to add a server.
  8. Name it Localhost and use settings:
  • Host: localhost
  • Port: 80
  • Debugger: Xdebug
  • Check use path mappings and add map from project root to /data
  1. Hit Apply and OK
  2. Click on Run and then Debug 'Debug on Docker'

Overriding translations / dictionaries

If you use this Docker image but want to change some of the translations, you can do so by providing identically-named dictionary files into an "overrides" subfolder with just the desired changes, then running the "apply-dictionaries-overrides.php" script.

Example Dockerfile (overriding text in the MFA module's material theme):

FROM silintl/ssp-base:7.1.0

# ... do your other custom Docker stuff...

# Copy your translation changes into an "overrides" subfolder:
COPY ./dictionaries/* /data/vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/modules/material/dictionaries/overrides/

# Merge those changes into the existing translation files:
RUN cd /data/vendor/simplesamlphp/simplesamlphp/modules/material/dictionaries/overrides/ \
 && php /data/apply-dictionaries-overrides.php

Misc. Notes

  • Use of sildisco's LogUser module is optional and triggered via an authproc.

Included Modules

ExpiryChecker simpleSAMLphp Module

A simpleSAMLphp module for warning users that their password will expire soon or that it has already expired.

NOTE: This module does not prevent the user from logging in. It merely shows a warning page (if their password is about to expire), with the option to change their password now or later, or it tells the user that their password has already expired, with the only option being to go change their password now. Both of these pages will be bypassed (for varying lengths of time) if the user has recently seen one of those two pages, in order to allow the user to get to the change-password website (assuming it is also behind this IdP). If the user should not be allowed to log in at all, the simpleSAMLphp Auth. Source should consider the credentials provided by the user to be invalid.

The expirychecker module is implemented as an Authentication Processing Filter, or AuthProc. That means it can be configured in the global config.php file or the SP remote or IdP hosted metadata.

It is recommended to run the expirychecker module at the IdP, and configure the filter to run before all the other filters you may have enabled.

How to use the module

Set filter parameters in your config. We recommend adding them to the 'authproc' array in your metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php file, but you are also able to put them in the 'authproc.idp' array in your config/config.php file.

Example (in metadata/saml20-idp-hosted.php):

'authproc' => [
    10 => [
        // Required:
        'class' => 'expirychecker:ExpiryDate',
        'accountNameAttr' => 'cn',
        'expiryDateAttr' => 'schacExpiryDate',
        'passwordChangeUrl' => '',

        // Optional:
        'warnDaysBefore' => 14,
        'originalUrlParam' => 'originalurl',
        'dateFormat' => 'm.d.Y', // Use PHP's date syntax.
        'loggerClass' => '\\Sil\\Psr3Adapters\\Psr3SamlLogger',
    // ...

The accountNameAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's account name stored in it. In certain situations, this will be displayed to the user, as well as being used in log messages.

The expiryDateAttr parameter represents the SAML attribute name which has the user's expiry date, which must be formated as YYYYMMDDHHMMSSZ (e.g. 20111011235959Z). Those two attributes need to be part of the attribute set returned when the user successfully authenticates.

The warnDaysBefore parameter should be an integer representing how many days before the expiry date the "about to expire" warning will be shown to the user.

The dateFormat parameter specifies how you want the date to be formatted, using PHP date() syntax. See

The loggerClass parameter specifies the name of a PSR-3 compatible class that can be autoloaded, to use as the logger within ExpiryDate.


This is adapted from the ssp-iidp-expirycheck and expirycheck modules. Thanks to Alex Mihičinac, Steve Moitozo, and Steve Bagwell for the initial work they did on those two modules.