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Using ClearML interactive sessions

Isaac Schifferer edited this page May 31, 2024 · 2 revisions

ClearML interactive sessions allow you to launch a JupyterLab, VS Code, and SSH session to execute code on a remote GPU. For more information, see the documentation here.


If you have any issues using ClearML Sessions, check the prerequisites in the documentation. If you have already set up ClearML for silnlp (and have an ssh client installed, check by running ssh), there should be no additional steps before installation.

To install, run:

pip install clearml-session


To connect to GPUs in the Dallas server, you will need a VPN connection.


Launch a sesison with silnlp's published docker image to have a pre-configured environment to work in:

clearml-session --docker
  • Replace the above version number with the most recent release.

Once the session has been set up, you will be given links to the JupyterLab and VS Code sessions, as well as a port number and password for SSH.

Once in the session, run git pull in a terminal to get the most recent version of silnlp.

Known issues

  1. Launching a session with version "latest" rather than an explicit number will cause the session to fail.