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This is a IOT project that utilzes the BeagleBone Black (BBB) microcomputer to collect and upload data to remotely monitor a plant. The sensors used were the following: soil moisture sensor, Temperature/Pressure sensor, LDR (light detection), and a logitech USB camera. All data except the picture was uploaded to a public Sparkfun data stream but the picture was uploaded to a google drive account. The data was collected at the turn of the hour and pushed to the internet.

To Run

The code was written using the cloud9 IDE on the BBB and the workspace used for the project was "/var/lib/cloud9". If a different path is used, references to this in the python file and elsewhere need to be replaced with the used path.


* - This is the python program that has to run in the background on the BBB. This is done through the
                   use of crontab. To invoke crontab run "sudo crontab -e", then append this 
				   "0 * * * * python /var/lib/cloud9/" to the file to run on top of the hour. Now this 
				   program is executed automatically when the time conditions are met.
* Photos - This folder is used to log and save uploaded photos locally.
* client_secrets.json - This was obtained from the Google App Engine and is needed to verify the python application with google servers.
* mycreds.txt - This file is created after the first login by user to their google account and contains credentials to authorize
                subsequent acceses to gdrive to upload photos. Note: Initially has to be tun manually from command line,
				this is because the google login process cannot be completely automated. In this first run a url is provided on the cmdline, 
				entering this url in the browser leads to a google login page for the user to enter into their google account which then creates
				mycreds.txt. Now data_daemon can be run in the background through crontab.

Referenced information from for usage of BMP180.


BeogleBone IOT Project






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