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Translation issue

Translation issue #2

name: Translation issue
# At 7:00am UTC on the 1st of February, May, August, and November
- cron: '0 7 1 2,5,8,11 *'
name: Translation issue
# Only run cron on the silverstripe account
if: (github.event_name == 'schedule' && github.repository_owner == 'silverstripe') || (github.event_name != 'schedule')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Translation issue
uses: silverstripe/gha-issue@v1
title: Run translations
description: |
This is an automatically created issue used to run translations every 3 months.\n
It was created by the `.github/workflows/translation-issue.yml` workflow in the [silverstripe/.github]( repository.\n
### Triage instructions (Silverstripe Ltd CMS Squad)\n
1. Put on the following labels:\n
- `type/enhancement`\n
- `impact/low`\n
- `affects/v4`\n
- `affects/v5`\n
2. Move this issue to the "Ready" column on our internal zenhub board\n
### Implementation instructions:\n
1. Create an install of kitchen-sink using the latest next-minor branch e.g. `5`\n
2. Also install [silverstripe/tx-translator](\n
3. Follow the instructions in the `tx-translator` and do a TX_PULL=0 TX_COLLECT=1 TX_PUSH=1 run.\n
4. This may create lots of pull-requests. Paste links to these pull request on this issue.\n
5. Once the pull-requests have been merged, create a new install of kitchen-sink using the oldest supported minor branch e.g. `4.13`\n
6. Also install [silverstripe/tx-translator](\n
7. Follow the instructions in the `tx-translator` and do a TX_PULL=1 TX_COLLECT=0 TX_PUSH=0 run.\n
8. This will create lots of pull-requests. Paste links to these pull request on this issue.\n
9. Once these pull-requests have been merged, merge them up all the way through to the next-minor branch e.g. `5`. If this step has been automated then you do not need to do anything.\n
10. Create new patch releases for all supported branches on all repositories that have new translations. If this step has been automated then you do not need to do anything.\n