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SlowList CI codecov

A simple List type that stores its data within a String.

Written for fun and should not be used for anything really


List      	Function        	Description                                     N       Result
Native    	constructor     	new instance with 100 strings                   10000   7.07ms
SlowList  	constructor     	new instance with 100 strings                   10000   1926.76ms
Native    	constructor     	new instance with 100 ints                      10000   5.95ms
SlowList  	constructor     	new instance with 100 ints                      10000   1499.77ms
Native    	constructor     	new instance using of() with 100 strings        10000   6.40ms
SlowList  	constructor     	new instance using of() with 100 strings        10000   1868.80ms
Native    	constructor     	new instance using of() with 100 ints           10000   5.77ms
SlowList  	constructor     	new instance using of() with 100 ints           10000   1447.82ms
Native    	add             	add strings to list                             10000   1.00ms
SlowList  	add             	add strings to list                             10000   28.26ms
Native    	add             	add ints to list                                10000   3.25ms
SlowList  	add             	add ints to list                                10000   41.65ms
Native    	add_at          	add_at fixed position with string               10000   21.93ms
SlowList  	add_at          	add_at fixed position with string               10000   684.87ms
Native    	add_at          	add_at fixed position with int                  10000   21.45ms
SlowList  	add_at          	add_at fixed position with int                  10000   183.11ms
Native    	contains        	contains with string                            10000   1.19ms
SlowList  	contains        	contains with string                            10000   106.24ms
Native    	contains        	contains with int                               10000   0.96ms
SlowList  	contains        	contains with int                               10000   94.71ms
Native    	get             	get last element of list of size 100            10000   0.46ms
SlowList  	get             	get last element of list of size 100            10000   104.16ms
Native    	index_of        	index_of last string in list of size 100        10000   15.42ms
SlowList  	index_of        	index_of last string in list of size 100        10000   10365.40ms
Native    	index_of        	index_of last int in list of size 100           10000   16.63ms
SlowList  	index_of        	index_of last int in list of size 100           10000   7364.60ms
Native    	last_index_of   	last_index_of las string in list of size 100    10000   9.85ms
SlowList  	last_index_of   	last_index_of las string in list of size 100    10000   295.06ms
Native    	last_index_of   	last_index_of last int in list of size 100      10000   9.08ms
SlowList  	last_index_of   	last_index_of last int in list of size 100      10000   225.17ms
Native    	remove          	remove last string in list of size 100          10000   21.70ms
SlowList  	remove          	remove last string in list of size 100          10000   12636.32ms
Native    	remove          	remove last string in list of size 100          10000   21.24ms
SlowList  	remove          	remove last string in list of size 100          10000   9124.89ms
Native    	remove_at       	remove_at last int in list of size 100          10000   6.34ms
SlowList  	remove_at       	remove_at last int in list of size 100          10000   2270.03ms
Native    	size            	size with string list of size 100               10000   0.80ms
SlowList  	size            	size with string list of size 100               10000   9.06ms
Native    	size            	size with int list of size 100                  10000   0.94ms
SlowList  	size            	size with int list of size 100                  10000   7.40ms
Native    	set             	set last string in list of size 100             10000   0.48ms
SlowList  	set             	set last string in list of size 100             10000   427.26ms
Native    	set             	set last int in list of size 100                10000   0.55ms
SlowList  	set             	set last int in list of size 100                10000   430.91ms
Native    	to_string       	to_string string list of size 100               10000   9.19ms
SlowList  	to_string       	to_string string list of size 100               10000   43.74ms
Native    	to_string       	to_string int list of size 100                  10000   269.77ms
SlowList  	to_string       	to_string int list of size 100                  10000   38.11ms


As you can see SlowList is .. slow.

Notice the last test where SlowList is actually faster than the native list. If the native List type had a dedicated to_string() method it would probably be faster than SlowList though.

This was a fun project. Sometimes you just need to work on a project without any usage.