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Docsify Plugins

GitHub Footer

by simochee

jsDelivr npm version License

Useful GitHub Pages links footer for Docsify.

📀 Installation

Insert a script tag to load the plugin script file after loading the Docsify script.

  window.$docsify = {};
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

🔰 Usage

Configure the plugin in the Docsify configuration.

  window.$docsify = {
    githubFooter: {
      // required: production branch
      ref: 'develop',
      // optional: inherit from $docsify.repo
      repo: 'simochee/docs-repo',
      // optional: base directory of the repo
      dir: 'docs',

Customize footer style

.docsify-github-footer {
  /* override style */

💻 Development

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Enable Corepack using corepack enable
  3. Install dependencies using pnpm install
  4. Run watch mode using pnpm run watch
  5. Start server using Live Server
  6. Insert a script tag to load the plugin script file after loading the Docsify script.
<script src="http://localhost:5500"></script>

🛡️ License