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There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.

This issue or Pull Request already exists
help wanted
help wanted
Extra attention is needed
Priority: Critical
Priority: Critical
Priority: High
Priority: High
Priority: Low
Priority: Low
Priority: Medium
Priority: Medium
Status: Abandoned
Status: Abandoned
The issue or Pull Request is wontfix
Status: Blocked
Status: Blocked
Progress on the issue is Blocked
Status: In Progress
Status: In Progress
Work in Progress
Status: Proposal
Status: Proposal
Request for comments
Type: Breaking Change
Type: Breaking Change
Includes breaking changes
Type: Bug
Type: Bug
Bug or Bug fixes
Type: CI
Type: CI
Changes to CI configuration files and scripts
Type: Dependencies
Type: Dependencies
Dependency issues or Changes to dependency files
Type: Documentation
Type: Documentation
Documentation only changes
Type: Feature
Type: Feature
New Feature
Type: Maintenance
Type: Maintenance
Repository Maintenance
Type: Meta
Type: Meta
Type: Meta - Related to repository itself
Type: Refactoring
Type: Refactoring
A code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature
Type: Release
Type: Release
Related to release process
Type: Security
Type: Security
Vulnerability disclosure or Fixing security issue
Type: Testing
Type: Testing
Adding missing tests or correcting existing tests