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simonc edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 2 revisions

The -R option is used to activate the recursive mode.

Given the following tree :

|-- dir_1/
|   |-- dir_11/
|   |   |-- dir_111/
|   |   |-- dir_112/
|   |   |-- file_111
|   |   `-- file_112
|   |-- file_11
|   `-- file_12
|-- file_1
`-- file_2

The following command will rename all the file in the tree :

absrenamer -R -f"&" .

The result will be :

|-- dir_1/
|   |-- dir_11/
|   |   |-- dir_111/
|   |   |-- dir_112/
|   |   |-- FILE_111
|   |   `-- FILE_112
|   |-- FILE_11
|   `-- FILE_12
|-- FILE_1
`-- FILE_2

Specifying a recursive depth

The --maxdepth option can be used to set the recursion depth :

absrenamer -R --maxdepth 2 -f"*" .

The resulting tree will be :

|-- dir_1/
|   |-- dir_11/
|   |   |-- dir_111/
|   |   |-- dir_112/
|   |   |-- FILE_111
|   |   `-- FILE_112
|   |-- File_11
|   `-- File_12
|-- File_1
`-- File_2

Renaming directories recursively

When directories are renamed recursively (by combining the -R and -d options) the deepest directories are renamed first to avoid the following case :

mv dir_1 Folder_1
mv dir_1/dir_11 dir_1/Folder_11

What is done by AbsoluteRenamer is :

mv dir_1/dir_11 dir_1/Folder_11
mv dir_1 Folder_1