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Windowed Management System

Laravel-KendoUI (Web Desktop-Like Application Environment)

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About WMS (Whatever Management System)

WMS has been built on top of the Laravel Framework by extending some feature and using kendo-ui as frontend javascript framework. Basically WMS creates for you an environment very similar to your desktop for the administrative backoffice. The public area it's up to you.

Using this tool you don't need to be a skilled programmer. You just need to have knowledgebase of relational databases and that's all. The application code, for every new module you are going to create, is generated by the application itself. The owner is called to simply create visually the data models and click buttons to scaffold the source code.


Once the code is created you can edit manually and add/integrate your own features.

The final effect is awesome and the administrator feels like at home. This is due to the windowed approach. Administrator already know how to handle a window, minimize, maximize, change wallpaper and themes etc.

It's a sort of online MDI form Application Generator which provides a simple way to create both the UI (User Interface) for the Frontend using kendo-ui framework and the Backend (CRUD) using Laravel framework.

Someone define it a sort of online access wizard, and it's not so far.

If you want to try out .... it's free and don't forget to star it if you like :)


Cloning the git

git clone <install-directory>
cd <install-directory>
composer install
npm install

Via Composer

composer create-project simonecosci/wms <install-directory>
cd <install-directory>
npm install


Creata a new database

mysql -uroot -p
mysql> create database yourDatabaseName;
mysql> quit;

Then cp .env.example .env and update your database creds.


Change (if you want) the initial credential by editing the file /database/seeds/UsersTableSeeder.php or use these:

password: admin

run the migrations with seed

php artisan migrate:fresh --seed

You can now run the web server

php artisan serve

or configure a virtualhost in your web server config

<VirtualHost *:80>
	ServerName localhost
	DocumentRoot "/<install-directory>/public"
	<Directory  "/<install-directory>/public/">
		Options +Indexes +Includes +FollowSymLinks +MultiViews
		AllowOverride All
		Require local

Navigate http://localhost/ and login

You have to give write permission to the following folders while your app is in development

  • app/Models
  • app/Http/Controllers/Admin
  • resources/views/admin
  • database/migrations
  • public/app
chmod -R 777 app/Models
chmod -R 777 app/Http/Controllers/Admin
chmod -R 777 resources/views/admin
chmod -R 777 database/migrations
chmod -R 777 public/app

To create your first window read the Wiki


The Laravel framework and the WMS are open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

The Kendo-UI framework is commercial software licensed

Using this software requires a commercial license of Kendo UI