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81 lines (45 loc) · 1.64 KB

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81 lines (45 loc) · 1.64 KB

Application Name

Space Junk


Hacking with Swift

Education supplier

This iOS app project is from the iBook "Hacking with Swift" which forms part of the "Hacking with Swift" tutorial series, authored by Paul Hudson.


  • GamePlayKit

  • SceneKit

  • GameScene

  • SKSPriteKitNode

  • SKLabelNode

  • SKAction

  • SKEmitterNode

  • SKPhysicsBody

  • physicsWorld

  • conatctTestBitMask

  • categoryBitMask

  • SKPhysicsConatct

  • nodes(at: )

  • location(in: )

  • CGPoint

  • didBegin

  • touchesBegan

  • touchesMoved

  • touchesEnded

  • switch/case

  • UIAlertController / UIAlertAction

  • Notification / observer (with didSet)

  • Git / Github

Stretch goals

Some features included are not part of the guided project, but are added as stretch goals. Stretch goals apply learned knowledge to accomplish and are completed unassisted. Stretch goals may either be suggested by the teaching instructor or self imposed. Strecth goals / features implemented (if any) will be listed here.

  • Add laser beam to Space Ship to shoot and destroy enemies on contact (suggested)

  • Add sound effects to laser beam when activated (self imposed)

  • Add Bonus Points if player shoots enemies with laser beam (self imposed)

  • Add Game Over image when game ends (self imposed)

  • End game if user stops touching screen (suggested)

  • Add conditional Game Over Alert showing casue of Game Over and player sore (self imposed)

  • App icons (self imposed)

  • Source control with git (local) / github (remote) (self imposed)


February, 2019

Deployment information

  • Deployment Target (iOS version): 9.3 and higher
  • Supported Devices: iPad