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Python script to generate landscapes matching those in The Sentinel

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A Python script to generate landscapes matching those in Geoff Crammond's classic 80's game: The Sentinel (aka The Sentry).

The script generates the landscape and positions of all game objects.


The script requires Python 3.6 or later with the NumPy package installed. You can install NumPy using:

python -m pip install numpy

Viewing landscapes with -v also requires the matplotlib package, which can be installed using:

python -m pip install matplotlib


Generate landscape 1234 and save to 1234.bin (data in row order):

python 1234

Generate landscape 9999 and save to 9999.bin (data in game memory format):

python 9999 -m

Generate and view landscape 0000:

python 0 -v

Here's a sample view of landscape 0000, shown using matplot:

Landscape 0000

Landscape Data

The game stores the landscape as an 32x32 array of vertices, each represented by a single byte. This gives the 31x31 arrangement of tiles that make up the landscape.

Each byte holds two nibbles of data. The upper 4 bits hold the vertex height, and the lower 4 bits a code indicating the shape of the tile. The shape helps the game quicly know whether a tile is flat, as well as how to draw it, without needing to look at the neighbouring vertices each time.

If the height value is 12 or above it means there is an object placed on a flat tile. In that case the low 6 bits is an index into various object tables. It may be necessary to walk a chain of stacked objects to locate the original tile height. The map data generated by this script doesn't contain any objects so these values will not be seen here.

The in-memory layout of the map is not a plain 2D array of values. To match the original memory layout use the -m option when saving data.

Landscape Generation

All landscapes are generated using the following steps:

1) Seed the RNG

The RNG is seeded using the landscape number, as described in the project.

2) Warm the RNG

To ensure good random numbers are provided, 81 values are read from the RNG into a buffer. Note: these values are not used during the remainder of the process.

3) Height scale

Height scaling determines the range between the lowest and highest points on the landscape. Lower values keep the landscape flatter and easier to navigate. Landscape 0000 uses a fixed scaling factor of 0x18, but all other landscapes use a random value massaged into the range 0x0e to 0x24. This will be used in step 6 below.

4) Random fill

The map area is filled with byte values from the RNG, with rows from back to front, in right to left order. The reverse ordering is due to the original 6502 game code, which loops backwards as long as the index is positive using the BPL instruction.

5) Smoothing passes

The random values are smoothed by averaging groups of 4 values and replacing the first value with this average. This is performed on each row from back to front, then each column from right to left. This process is repeated a second time.

6) Scale and offset

The smoothed values are treated as signed 7-bit values by subtracting each from 0x80. The result is scaled by multiplying it by the height factor from step 3 above, then taking the upper 8 bits of the result to give the height. This is then offset by 6 to re-centre in the middle of the height range, before being clamped into the legal range of 1 to 11.

7) De-spike passes

To improve the appearance of the map all single vertex spikes and troughs are removed. This is again performed on rows from back to front, and columns from right to left. This process is repeated a second time.

De-spiking takes spans of 3 vertices and decides on a new central vertex height. This was originally thought to be flattening the centre if the sides were both above or below it but the logic is slightly more complicated. See the code for details.

This completes the final height generation, but not the stored data.

8) Shape codes

To simplify use of the map at runtime the groups of 4 vertices that form each tile are compared to determine whether it's level and how it will appear when drawn. This forms a 4-bit code, which is stored (for now) in the upper 4 bits of each map value.

A code of zero means the tile is level (all vertex heights match). See the script code for the layouts that generate the other values. Value 8 not used.

9) Nibble swap

The game prefers to work with the height in the upper 4 bits and the shape in the lower 4 bits, so this step reverses the order of the nibbles. This makes it easier to check map locations for placed objects without any masking, indicated by a map value of 0xc0 or greater.

Object Placement

After generating the landscape objects are placed on it, in the order: pedestal, Sentinel, sentries (if any), player (robot) and trees. The number of sentries and trees varies between landscapes and the landscape colour depends this count.

1) Sentry count

The base count of sentries is taken from the thousands digit of the landscape number, plus two. Then a value is taken from the RNG to use as an adjustment from this count. The number of leading zeros in the binary representation of the lower 7 bits forms a value, which is negative (1s complement) if bit 7 was set. If the sum is in range 0-7 this count is used, otherwise the process is repeated until it's in range.

The bias of 2 in the calculation is what prevents the extended hex landscapes (E000 and above) being usable in Augmentinel. The final sentry count is never in range and the loop continues forever.

For levels below 100 the sentry count is also limited to the tens digit of the landscape number, to make earlier levels a little easier.

2) Highest points

The map is scanned for the highest points to place the Sentinel and sentries. This is done in 4x4 areas (less 1 for right and back edges), in order from front to back and left to right. Within each area the height and location of the highest flat tile is stored. This gives up to 64 potential placement locations.

3) Random high point

The highest level from the previous step is used as a starting point to place the Sentinel and possibly sentries. The results from the previous step are filtered for this height to give a subset of potential positions to use. If no positions are found the height is reduced by 1. If it hits zero no more placements are made. The position list is generated in reverse order due to the C64 reversed loop indexing in the code.

A value is taken from the RNG to use as an index into the new list. To avoid discarding too many out-of-range random indices the nearest 2^n-1 bitmask above the count is applied first. If it's still out of range the process is repeated.

4) Place Sentinel/sentries

Once a valid random position is found the next Sentinel or sentry is ready for placement. If we're placing the Sentinel we put a pedestal on the same location first, with the Sentinel on top of it.

All placed objects have a random rotation assigned. A value is taken from the RNG and masked with 0xf8 to align it with one of 32 rotation steps. Then 0x60 (135 degrees) is added to it before use. I believe this bias was tuned to give the best starting view for the player. Even though the pedestal is given a rotation it's reset to zero to align it with the tile it sits on. Zero degrees is facing away and angles represent clockwise rotation.

After placement the current 4x4 tile region and all 4x4 tiles surrounding it are marked with zero height to ensure a sentry is not placed too close to this one. This also gives a good spread of objects across the landscape.

A value is taken from the RNG to determine the delay before first rotation and the rotation direction. If bit 0 is set the entity rotates anti-clockwise. Bits 5 to 0 from the value are ORed with 5 give the number of game timer ticks until the object is due to rotate next.

If more sentries are due to be placed the process repeats from step 2) above.

5) Place player

Landscape 0000 has a fixed starting location for the player at x=8 z=17. This was probably chosen to give the player a position with good visibility and moving options.

All later landscapes place the player at a random position on the map. This location also has a maximum height to avoid the player being placed at or above the height of the lowest sentry. The height is further limited to 6 or below.

x and z coordinates are taken from the RNG and masked against 0x1f, each repeating until they're below 0x1f. This location is checked for an unoccupied flat tile below the height limit. This repeats up to 255 times until a suitable location is found. If the search is unsuccessful the height cap is raised by one and the process repeated. This continues until the maximum map height of 0xc.

6) Place trees

The number of trees is used to balance out the total energy available on the landscape. More sentries means fewer trees can be placed.

The calculated number of trees is random with a bias. Take a value from the RND and sum the values from bits 0-2, bits 3-6 (shifted down), then add 10. The maximum number of trees is 48, minus 3 for each placed sentry/Sentinel. If the count is above this maximum it's capped.

Trees are placed at random positions on the map using the same logic as placing the player, and with the most recent height cap value.

Secret Code

Once all objects are placed the RNG is used to generate the secret code for the current landscape, using the platform-specific technique described in the sentcode project.

Test Data

The 'golden' sub-directory contains data exported after each generation step listed above. It was exported from address 0x6100 in the Spectrum version of the game. Data for landscapes 0000 and 9999 is provided, and compared against generated data for these levels.

Simon Owen


Python script to generate landscapes matching those in The Sentinel






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