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Getting Started with Camunda Cloud using Go

The Zeebe Go Client is available for Go applications.

Watch a video tutorial on YouTube walking through this Getting Started Guide.

Estimated time to complete: 60 minutes


Scaffolding the project

  • Run the following command to create a new Go project:
mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/$USER/cloud-starter
cd $GOPATH/src/$USER/cloud-starter

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go get -u

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Create Camunda Cloud cluster

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  • Log in to
  • Create a new Zeebe 0.23.3 cluster.
  • When the new cluster appears in the console, create a new set of client credentials.
  • Copy the client Connection Info environment variables block.

Configure connection

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We will use GoDotEnv to environmentalize the client connection credentials.

  • Add GoDotEnv to the project:
go get
  • Add the client connection credentials for your cluster to the file .env:

Note: make sure to remove the export keyword from each line.

  • Save the file.

Test Connection with Camunda Cloud

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  • Paste the following code into the file main.go:
package main

import (

func main() {
    zbClient := getClient()

func getClient() zbc.Client {
	err := godotenv.Load()
	if err != nil {
		log.Fatal("Error loading .env file")

	gatewayAddress := os.Getenv("ZEEBE_ADDRESS")

	zbClient, err := zbc.NewClient(&zbc.ClientConfig{
		GatewayAddress:  gatewayAddress,

	if err != nil {

    return zbClient

func getStatus(zbClient zbc.Client) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	topology, err := zbClient.NewTopologyCommand().Send(ctx)
	if err != nil {

	for _, broker := range topology.Brokers {
		fmt.Println("Broker", broker.Host, ":", broker.Port)
		for _, partition := range broker.Partitions {
			fmt.Println("  Partition", partition.PartitionId, ":", roleToString(partition.Role))

func roleToString(role pb.Partition_PartitionBrokerRole) string {
	switch role {
	case pb.Partition_LEADER:
		return "Leader"
	case pb.Partition_FOLLOWER:
		return "Follower"
		return "Unknown"
  • Run the program with the command go run main.go.

  • You will see output similar to the following:

2020/07/29 06:21:08 Broker zeebe-0.zeebe-broker-service.aae86771-0906-4186-8d82-e228097e1ef7-zeebe.svc.cluster.local : 26501
2020/07/29 06:21:08   Partition 1 : Leader

This is the topology response from the cluster.

Create a BPMN model

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  • Download and install the Zeebe Modeler.
  • Open Zeebe Modeler and create a new BPMN Diagram.
  • Create a new BPMN diagram.
  • Add a StartEvent, an EndEvent, and a Task.
  • Click on the Task, click on the little spanner/wrench icon, and select "Service Task".
  • Set the Name of the Service Task to Get Time, and the Type to get-time.

It should look like this:

  • Click on the blank canvas of the diagram, and set the Id to test-process, and the Name to "Test Process".
  • Save the diagram to test-process.bpmn in your project.

Deploy the BPMN model to Camunda Cloud

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  • Edit the main.go file, and add a new function deploy:
func deploy (zbClient zbc.Client) {
	ctx := context.Background()
	response, err := zbClient.NewDeployWorkflowCommand().AddResourceFile("test-process.bpmn").Send(ctx)
	if err != nil {
  • Now update the main() function to look like this:
func main() {
	zbClient := getClient()
  • Run the program with go run main.go.

You will see the deployment response:

2020/07/29 06:23:07 Broker zeebe-0.zeebe-broker-service.aae86771-0906-4186-8d82-e228097e1ef7-zeebe.svc.cluster.local : 26501
2020/07/29 06:23:07   Partition 1 : Leader
2020/07/29 06:23:08 key:2251799813685251 workflows:<bpmnProcessId:"test-process" version:1 workflowKey:2251799813685249 resourceName:"test-process.bpmn" > 

Start a Workflow Instance

Video Link

We will add a webserver, and use it to provide a REST interface for our program.

  • Add "net/http" to the imports in main.go.

  • Edit the main.go file, and add a REST handler to start an instance:

type BoundHandler func(w http.ResponseWriter, r * http.Request)

func createStartHandler(client zbc.Client) BoundHandler {
	f := func (w http.ResponseWriter, r * http.Request) {
		ctx := context.Background()
		request, err := client.NewCreateInstanceCommand().BPMNProcessId("test-process").LatestVersion().Send(ctx)
		if err != nil {
		fmt.Fprint(w, request.String())
	return f
  • Now update the main() function to add an HTTP server and the /start route:
func main() {
	zbClient := getClient()

	http.HandleFunc("/start", createStartHandler(zbClient))

	http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)

You will see output similar to the following:

workflowKey:2251799813685249 bpmnProcessId:"test-process" version:1 workflowInstanceKey:2251799813685257 

A workflow instance has been started. Let's view it in Operate.

View a Workflow Instance in Operate

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  • Go to your cluster in the Camunda Cloud Console.
  • In the cluster detail view, click on "View Workflow Instances in Camunda Operate".
  • In the "Instances by Workflow" column, click on "Test Process - 1 Instance in 1 Version".
  • Click the Instance Id to open the instance.
  • You will see the token is stopped at the "Get Time" task.

Let's create a task worker to serve the job represented by this task.

Create a Job Worker

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We will create a worker that logs out the job metadata, and completes the job with success.

  • Edit the main.go file, and add a handler function for the worker:
func handleGetTime(client worker.JobClient, job entities.Job) {
	ctx := context.Background()
  • Update the main function to create a worker in a go routine, which allows it to run in a background thread:
func main() {
	zbClient := getClient()
	go zbClient.NewJobWorker().JobType("get-time").Handler(handleGetTime).Open()

	http.HandleFunc("/start", createStartHandler(zbClient))
	http.ListenAndServe(":3000", nil)
  • Run the worker program with the command: go run main.go.

You will see output similar to:

2020/07/29 23:48:15 {{2251799813685262 get-time 2251799813685257 test-process 1 2251799813685249 Activity_1ucrvca 2251799813685261 {} default 3 1596023595126 {} {} [] 0}}
  • Go back to Operate. You will see that the workflow instance is gone.
  • Click on "Running Instances".
  • In the filter on the left, select "Finished Instances".

You will see the completed workflow instance.

Create and Await the Outcome of a Workflow Instance

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We will now create the workflow instance, and get the final outcome in the calling code.

  • Edit the createStartHandler function in the main.go file, and make the following change:
// ...
request, err := client.NewCreateInstanceCommand().BPMNProcessId("test-process").LatestVersion().WithResult().Send(ctx)
// ...

You will see output similar to the following:

workflowKey:2251799813685249 bpmnProcessId:"test-process" version:1 workflowInstanceKey:2251799813689873 variables:"{}" 

Call a REST Service from the Worker

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  • Edit the file main.go and add these structs for the REST response payload and the worker variable payload:
type Time struct {
	Time string `json:"time"`
	Hour int `json:"hour"`
	Minute int `json:"minute"`
	Second int `json:"second"`
	Day int `json:"day"`
	Month int `json:"month"`
	Year int `json:"year"`

type GetTimeCompleteVariables struct {
	Time Time `json:"time"`
  • Replace the handleGetTime function in main.go with the following code:
func handleGetTime(client worker.JobClient, job entities.Job) {
	var (
		data []byte
	response, err := http.Get("")
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Printf("The HTTP request failed with error %s\n", err)
	} else {
		data, _ = ioutil.ReadAll(response.Body)
	var time Time
	err = json.Unmarshal(data, &time)
	if err != nil {
	payload := &GetTimeCompleteVariables{time}

	ctx := context.Background()
	cmd, _ := client.NewCompleteJobCommand().JobKey(job.Key).VariablesFromObject(payload)
	_, err = cmd.Send(ctx)
	if err !=nil {

You will see output similar to the following:

workflowKey:2251799813685249 bpmnProcessId:"test-process" version:1 workflowInstanceKey:2251799813693481 
variables:"{\"time\":{\"time\":\"Thu, 30 Jul 2020 13:33:13 GMT\",\"hour\":13,\"minute\":33,\"second\":13,\"day\":4,\"month\":6,\"year\":2020}}" 

Make a Decision

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We will edit the model to add a Conditional Gateway.

  • Open the BPMN model file bpmn/test-process.bpmn in the Zeebe Modeler.
  • Drop a Gateway between the Service Task and the End event.
  • Add two Service Tasks after the Gateway.
  • In one, set the Name to Before noon and the Type to make-greeting.
  • Switch to the Headers tab on that Task, and create a new Key greeting with the Value Good morning.
  • In the second, set the Name to After noon and the Type to make-greeting.
  • Switch to the Headers tab on that Task, and create a new Key greeting with the Value Good afternoon.
  • Click on the arrow connecting the Gateway to the Before noon task.
  • Under Details enter the following in Condition expression:
=time.hour >=0 and time.hour <=11
  • Click on the arrow connecting the Gateway to the After noon task.
  • Click the spanner/wrench icon and select "Default Flow".
  • Connect both Service Tasks to the End Event.

It should look like this:

Create a Worker that acts based on Custom Headers

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We will create a second worker that takes the custom header and applies it to the variables in the workflow.

  • Edit the main.go file, and add structs for the new worker's request and response payloads:
type MakeGreetingCompleteVariables struct {
	Say string 	`json:"say"`

type MakeGreetingCustomHeaders struct {
	Greeting string `json:"greeting"`

type MakeGreetingJobVariables struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
  • Create the handleMakeGreeting method in main.go:
func handleMakeGreeting(client worker.JobClient, job entities.Job) {
	variables, _ := job.GetVariablesAsMap()
	name := variables["name"]
	var headers, _ = job.GetCustomHeadersAsMap()
	greeting := headers["greeting"]
	greetingString := greeting + " " + name.(string)
	say := &MakeGreetingCompleteVariables{greetingString}
	ctx := context.Background()
	response, _ := client.NewCompleteJobCommand().JobKey(job.Key).VariablesFromObject(say)
  • Edit the main function and create a worker:
// ...
	go zbClient.NewJobWorker().JobType("make-greeting").Handler(handleMakeGreeting).Open()
/ ...
  • Edit the startWorkflowInstance method, and make it look like this:
type InitialVariables struct {
	Name string `json:"name"`
func createStartHandler(client zbc.Client) BoundHandler {
	f := func (w http.ResponseWriter, r * http.Request) {
		variables := &InitialVariables{"Josh Wulf"}
		ctx := context.Background()
		request, err := client.NewCreateInstanceCommand().BPMNProcessId("test-process").LatestVersion().VariablesFromObject(variables)
		if err != nil {
		response, _ := request.WithResult().Send(ctx)
		var result map[string]interface{}
		json.Unmarshal([]byte(response.Variables), &result)
		fmt.Fprint(w, result["say"])
	return f

You can change the variable value to your own name (or derive it from the url path or a parameter).

You will see output similar to the following:

Good Morning Josh Wulf


Congratulations. You've completed the Getting Started Guide for Camunda Cloud using Golang.


Getting started with Camunda Cloud using Golang






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