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File metadata and controls

384 lines (277 loc) · 14.4 KB

Description of YAML format

Specification version: 1.0

This document describes the format of the metadata description. It is not meant to describe the concept of CUBA and CUDS and what they represent. Merely to describe how their logic is represented in the file at the YML level.

The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT", "SHOULD", "SHOULD NOT", "RECOMMENDED", "MAY", and "OPTIONAL" in this document are to be interpreted as described in RFC 2119. [1]


  • Initial release

Format description

The format is defined two files in yaml format:

  • cuba.yml: describes basic data types that semantically enhance plain data. For example, a string that is used to represent a UUID.
  • simphony_metadata.yml: Describes high level objects and their external links to other objects, either as specialization or relationship.

The keys described in this format specification MUST be interpreted as case sensitive.


The following terms are used in relation to the SimPhoNy metadata description:

  • concept: an abstract, "discourse" entity we want to describe in our ontology. Example: the Lennard Jones potential, a vector, etc.

  • CUBA data type: a concrete (as in "formalized for our objectives") entity we define to represent a concept that has no dependencies toward other concepts, and it is defined only by its expected data type and dimensionality (e.g. a Vector type). The CUBA data type has the following characteristics:

    • a unique vocabulary term (in CUBA key format) defining its type (e.g. VECTOR)
    • characteristics of shape and data type.
  • CUDS item: a concrete entity we define to represent a concept that has relationships with other concepts. The CUDS item has the following characteristics:

    • a unique vocabulary term defining its type (e.g. LENNARD_JONES_6_12)

    • a unique identifier (e.g. a UUID which is going to be different for two distinct Lennard Jones potentials) to be able to distinguish specific instances of the CUDS item.

    • a set of properties that are expressed as relations to other concepts. Two types of properties exist:

      • Fixed properties: Properties that depend only on the CUDS Item type.
      • Variable properties: Properties that depend on the specific instance of the CUDS Item.

The following terms are used in the remainder of this document and are prescriptive:

  • (non-qualified) CUBA key: a fully capitalized, underscored name to refer to a CUDS item or CUBA data type
  • qualified CUBA key: a CUBA key prefixed with the CUBA. string (e.g. CUBA.COMPUTATIONAL_MODEL)
  • CUBA entry: an entry defined in the cuba.yml file under CUBA_KEYS that represents a CUBA data type
  • CUDS entry: an entry defined in the simphony_remote.yml file under CUDS_KEYS that represents a CUDS item.


The format MUST have a root mapping with the following keys:

  • VERSION: string Contains semantic version Major.minor in format M.m with M and m positive integers. minor MUST be incremented when backward compatibility in the format is preserved. Major MUST be incremented when backward compatibility is removed. Due to the strict nature of the format, a change in minor is unlikely. NOTE that this is the version of the file format, _NOT_ of the described information (CUDS). the addition of new CUDS entries will not require a version change, as long as the layout of the file complies with the standard NOTE: The value must be explicitly quoted, as it would otherwise be interpreted by the yaml parser as a floating point value
  • CUBA: string Defines the type of file. The content is a free format string whose value has no semantic meaning. It can be used as a comment.
  • CUBA_KEYS: mapping contains a mapping describing the declared CUBA entries. Each key of the mapping is the non-qualified name of a CUBA entry. The Key MUST be all uppercase, with underscore as separation. Numbers are allowed but not in first position. Valid Examples: FACE, ANGULAR_ACCELERATION, POSITION_3D Each value of the mapping is a mapping whose format is detailed in the "CUBA entries format" section.

The root mapping MAY contain the following keys:

  • Purpose: string For human consumption. Free format string to describe the contents of the file.
  • Resources: mapping For human consumption. A mapping between a user meaninfgul entity and a string describing that entity, for example a link to a spec or an email address.

CUBA entries format

Each CUBA_KEYS entry MUST contain a mapping with the following keys:

  • type: string The type of the CUBA. MUST be one of the following

    • string
    • integer
    • double
    • boolean

It MAY also contain:

  • definition: string For human consumption. Free form description of the semantic carried by the data type.
  • shape: inline sequence of positive integers The represented CUBA data is an array, rather than a scalar. shape defines the shape of this array. MUST be a list of positive integers. If not present, the default is the list [1]
  • length: integer This key MUST be present if the type is string. It MUST NOT be present otherwise. It constraints the length of the string to the specified amount.


The format MUST have a root level mapping with the following keys:

  • VERSION: as in cuba.yml
  • CUDS: As in cuba.yml CUBA entry
  • CUDS_KEYS: as in cuba.yml
    Contains individual declarations for CUDS Items, in the form of CUDS entries. Each key of the mapping is the name of a CUDS entry. The Key MUST be all uppercase, with underscore as separation. Numbers are allowed but not in first position. Each value of the mapping is a mapping whose format is detailed in the "CUDS entries format" section.

it MAY contain the following entries

  • Purpose: string As in cuba.yml
  • Resources: string As in cuba.yml

CUDS entries format

Each CUDS entry MUST contain a mapping. The keys of the mapping represent properties of the CUDS Item.

  • Fixed properties use simple, lowercase names as keys.
  • Variable properties use qualified CUBA key as keys.

The following Fixed properties keys MUST be present:

  • parent: qualified CUBA key or empty (None) The parent CUDS of a inheritance (is-a) hierarchy. MUST be either:

    • a string referring to another entry. for example:

    • or, an empty entry (yaml meaning: None), for the start of the hierarchy (parentless).

Apart from the above keys, other Fixed properties keys MAY be present, and their content is specified in "Fixed Properties entries format". They represents properties whose value is fixed and hardcoded.

Some Fixed properties keys have however particular semantic meaning and are commonly used. Refer to "Semantic rules" for additional information.

The entry MAY contain Variable properties in the form:

  • qualified CUBA key: mapping Describe the existence of a relation toward a specified CUBA data type or CUDS Item. Each key:

    • MUST be a qualified CUBA key
    • MUST have been defined in one of the files.
    • SHOULD be specified only once in the CUDS entry (by nature of the mapping, only the last entry will be used)
    • when converted to non-qualified lowercase, MUST NOT be equal to a fixed property key.

All the CUBA properties are variable properties

Fixed Property entries format

The content of a fixed property can be either a mapping, or some other entity. In the case of a mapping the following keys MAY be present

  • scope: string

    Controlled dictionary. Allowed strings:

    • CUBA.USER: Default if not specified. Indicates that this property is available for setting at construction. Its initial value is the appropriate default.
    • CUBA.SYSTEM`: Indicates that this property cannot be specified by the user (i.e. is not available for setting at construction) and its value is set by internal code. If this key is present, the ``default key MUST NOT be present. The generator will use the associated Property key to produce the appropriate initialization code. Examples of these properties are the Fixed property data and the Variable property CUBA.UID.
  • default: any

    Indicates the hardcoded value for the property. The value is used as specified. If scope is CUBA.SYSTEM, this entry MUST NOT be present If scope is CUBA.USER, this entry MUST be present

If the content is not a mapping (e.g. string, list, numerical value), it is interpreted as equivalent to a mapping-type specification where

  • default is the specified entity
  • scope is CUBA.USER

For example, these two writings of definition are equivalent:

  definition: Space basis vectors (row wise)

    scope: CUBA.USER
    default: Space basis vectors (row wise)

Variable Property entries format

Each Property entry of a given property is a mapping that MAY have the following keys:

  • scope: string

    as in Fixed properties entries

  • shape: sequence of positive ints or "colon" notation.

    Specifies the shape of the container holding the contained CUBA type. Default is the list [1]. Examples:

    • [3] : A vector of three entities.
    • [3,3] : array of 3x3 CUBA entities.

    To define arrays of arbitrary length on one or multiple dimensions, the following "colon" notation is used. Note that parentheses are used insted of square brackets. This is due to how the colon would be interpreted by the yaml parser:

    • (:,:) : an arbitrary size matrix.
    • (3,:) : a 3xn matrix.
    • (:) : an arbitrary size vector.
  • default:

    Indicates the default value for the property once the CUDS Item has been instantiated. The default MUST be type compatible with the property entry key (eg. integers if the data is an integer) If the key refers to a CUBA data, the default must match shape, type and length requirements specified for the CUBA data, keeping into account the shape of the CUBA data itself. If the key refers to a CUDS item, the default must belong to the hierarchy defined by the CUDS item designated in the key. if the scope is CUBA.SYSTEM, this key MUST NOT be present


The following entry specifies that BASIS links against 3 VECTOR objects, where VECTOR is a CUBA data type. Each VECTOR has shape 3, so the required default is 3x3

  definition: Space basis vectors (row wise)
    shape: [3]
    default: [[1, 0, 0], [0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 1]]

The following example specifies that the NEUMANN CUDS Item refers to an unlimited list of MATERIAL (where MATERIAL is a CUDS Item). The default is to refer to no MATERIAL object:

  # ...
    shape: (:)
    default: []

Semantic format

Semantic rules

This section details additional requirements that go beyond the low level file format, but should be considered by the parser to validate the final format.

  • CUDS parent:

    • The file MUST contain one and only one parentless entry.
    • There MUST NOT be loops in the hierarchy.
  • CUDS models: The strings contained in this list MUST refer to CUDS Items that are children of CUBA.COMPUTATIONAL_MODEL.

  • CUDS variables: entries must refer to data types as defined in the cuba.yml file.

  • CUDS physics_equations:
    • The entries contained in this list MUST refer to a child of PHYSICS_EQUATION.
    • The entry is only valid for COMPUTATIONAL_METHOD and its children. An error MUST be raised if found under any other keyword.
  • CUDS properties defaults:

    When specifying a CUDS property (e.g. CLASS_A) default and the default is non-trivial (e.g. None) it MUST refer to a subclass (e.g. CLASS_A1) of the property type. In other words:

        parent: CUBA.SOMETHING
        parent: CUBA.CLASS_A
        parent: CUBA.CLASS_A
        parent: CUBA.SOMETHING_ELSE
            default: CLASS_A1

Semantically defined fixed property keys and their contents:

  • definition: string

    For human consumption. Free form description of the carried semantics.

  • models: sequence of qualified CUBA key.

    Describes the computational models this CUDS Item is relevant for. Each entry MUST be fully qualified with the CUBA. prefix. See Semantic rules for additional requirements of this entry.

  • physics_equations: sequence of qualified CUBA keys.

    Describes the physics equations associated to this computational method. Each entry MUST be qualified with the CUBA. prefix. See Semantic rules for additional requirements of this entry.

  • variables: sequence of qualified CUBA keys.

    Defines metainformation of required data for this CUDS Item to be valuable. This entry is just presented as metadata. It is up to the client code to interpret it appropriately. The concrete, "hard numbers" data is stored somewhere else. See Semantic rules for additional requirements of this entry.

  • data: mapping

    Defines the presence of a "data" property which collects all the transient (i.e. user defineable) data. This entry MUST be present only on the root object (parent is empty). It MUST NOT be present anywhere else. Its mapping MUST contain:

    • scope: MUST be CUBA.SYSTEM.

Parser behavior

An error MUST be reported, and parsing stopped when the following circumstances occur:

  • non-compliance with the yaml format
  • non-compliance with the format described in this specification.
  • Unrecognized keys
  • Duplicated keys
  • Violation of semantic rules.

