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Simple Dart UI Core

Core for creating GUI on Dart.

Read in other languages: English, Russian.



Essentially Component is a wrapper over a DOM element. All components inherit from Component. If you need to create a component that will contain other components, then you need to use PanelComponent.

Each component has a getter element - this is the DOM element that will be displayed on the page. Component properties and methods:

  • varName - variable name. Added as a 'varName' attribute to the DOM element. Used for debugging and for saving component state in Url.
  • visible - component visibility.
  • width - width of the component. Can be specified as a percentage or in pixels. There is a fullWidth() method for convenience.
  • height - height of the component. Can be specified as a percentage or in pixels. There is a fullHeight() method for convenience.
  • fillContent - the component will grow to fill all the available space with the component.
  • shrinkable - the component will shrink when there is not enough space.
  • padding - padding of the component. Can be specified as a percentage or in pixels.
  • warp - line wrapping.
  • wordWrap - word wrap.
  • remove() - remove the component from the DOM tree.
  • reRender() - component redrawing. Should be called when changing any parameters that are not directly are stored in the element - such as the language of the application or theme.
  • clearClasses(), addCssClass() ... methods to simplify adding and removing CSS classes.

Direct access to a DOM element via element is not recommended.


PanelComponent is an abstract class designed to create components that will contain other Components. In the PanelComponent constructor, you must specify the class name for the CSS.

In essence, a PanelComponent is a wrapper over a DOM element to make it easier to work with the layout of components. Contains a list of children components. And methods for adding and removing components. Properties that are wrapped by the PanelComponent wrapper:

  • vertical - vertical arrangement of components.
  • spacing - distance between components. Specified as a percentage or in pixels.
  • vAlign - vertical alignment of components.
  • hAlign - horizontal alignment of components.
  • scrollable - adds scroll on overflow. If there are components that are added to the panel dynamically, then you need to override the reRender() method for them redraws.


Panel - inherits from PanelComponent without adding functionality. The main tool for laying out components. Deriving from Panel is not recommended.


  • MixinActivate - Mixes the Active style into the component.
  • MixinDisable - Mixes the Disabled style and the disabled attribute into the component.


  • ValueChangeEvent - Component value change event. Passes the new and old values.
  • mixin ValueChangeEventSource - mixes the source of the ValueChangeEvent event into the class.


StateComponent is a component interface whose state can be read and set from a string. Is used for save the state of the component in the URL.


  • ComponentFactory - Component factory interface.
  • PanelComponentFactory - Panel factory interface.


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